Military Gallery Picture Updates


Troll Hunter
Staff member
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #182
I am looking for moderators for the DefenceTalk Military Pictures Gallery.

You pick the category/categories that you would like to moderate. All we need is that you upload pictures in your assigned category and if possible clean up the existing pictures with proper description and title, etc. I would like to start off with US Military, British and Russian Military. We probably have users who look at pictures from US DoD, US Army/Air force/Navy all day long, would you like to upload 'em to DT?

Please contact me.

Thanks and enjoy!


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think I've asked this before, and didn't get a clear answer, so I'll ask again. What are the criteria for uploading pictures? Other then them being military related, do we need to have taken them ourselves? Do they need to be ones that we have property rights to, or permission to use? Or should we just get on google and upload anything we find?