Malaysia to buy more 155m systems in major modernization programme


New Member
Pendekar said:
There is a very clear gap in the current malaysian inventories. the planned combine arms division still missing it's AD umbrella. All that the MAF have so far is either shoulder launch (Starburst, IGLA, ANZA) or towed versions (JERNAS). there no SP medium range SAM that can keep up with the high mobility forces.
Maybe M'sia should produce its own weapons, it maybe a very EXPENSIVE but in the long run it will be worth it.What do u guys think?:)


New Member
Not with our current budget.. we can't produce weapons at that scale futhermore it's just not economical to produce a few big guns just for ourselves.
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New Member
Perhaps Adyn and Waylander were be referring to AD armaments. With regards to this, there was an MOU signed with China for the purchase of the KS-1A medium SAM. Along with this possible purchase was to be the transfer of technology and license manufacture of the FN-6 shoulder-fired SAM. This was back in 2004. I haven't heard anything about this being converted into a confirmed purchase though.


New Member
prefer a new batch of Astros mlrs ... good range , powerful and very mobile :p . G5 even with apu need time to pack , hard to avoid a counter fire .
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New Member
To be precise guys, what i meant was Homemade weapons,it is either 80% 0r 90% or totally made by , design by Malaysians the AV 4X4.Correct me if i'm wrong, is the DEFtech Handalan is of Malaysian design?

Asean have long been relying on foreign countries, to purchase weapons. If the malaysians can produce 155mm shells then why not the howitzer itself, maybe with the help of russians or china expertise, though it will take a very long time for that with the R & D etc and I believe they can achieved that.Not just the howitzer,other weapons to suit the Malaysians armed forces needs in the future.Example singapore sph PRIMUS, Half singapore half americans.
:D maybe Malaysia should try this method.


New Member
by now Malaysia shouldve have design early production weapons.. yet we still bond out skulls to more underquality cars which i proud own one by the way XD.. R&D wouldnt take much from the defense budget.. anything effective and cost effective will do.. no need for gas juggling jets if u got some heak seeking Solid boost Missles... my 2 cents.. i just hope that we buy more Mobile artillerys..


New Member
adyn said:
To be precise guys, what i meant was Homemade weapons,it is either 80% 0r 90% or totally made by , design by Malaysians the AV 4X4.Correct me if i'm wrong, is the DEFtech Handalan is of Malaysian design?

Asean have long been relying on foreign countries, to purchase weapons. If the malaysians can produce 155mm shells then why not the howitzer itself, maybe with the help of russians or china expertise, though it will take a very long time for that with the R & D etc and I believe they can achieved that.Not just the howitzer,other weapons to suit the Malaysians armed forces needs in the future.Example singapore sph PRIMUS, Half singapore half americans.
:D maybe Malaysia should try this method.
Malaysia started much later than Singapore in weapons production. I think it would make more sense for her to start with licence production or component supply first before proceeding to design, etc.


New Member
weasel1962 said:
Malaysia needs mobility of a different sort because of East & West Malaysia. Airmobile artillery makes more sense. 10 Para Bde is a well-thought out move. Easily deployed across both East and West Malaysia. I won't be surprised if this was eventually expanded.
I agree. The need to fight on 2 fronts (Perang di 2 medan) means that airmobility is key especially if Malaysia needs to shuttle units back and forth. Sealift is much slower and more vulnerable. Aquisition of key assets must meet the criteria of air transportability.

10 Para Brigade definitely needs expansion. Although I would prefer to see such brigades organised more along the lines of the German airborne rather those of the old British 5th Brigade. I think the only limitation the Wiesel has in the Malaysian environment is its lack of amphibious capability. Emphasis for such brigades should be on operational heliborne maneuver.

If I may borrow the expression from you. Tongue in cheek, I think Boeing would do better pushing the Chinook rather than spend as much effort on the Super Hornet.


New Member
I agree with weasel... the MI26 is a far better of Heli transport then the Chinook.. even thought its has more latest equipments...MI26 has been reliable so far... with spare parts costing way less then Chinook and the redtapes the Chinooks comes with....