Thinking that a light brigade is going to take on a heavy mechanized unit and go toe to toe with it is nothing more than complete rubbish. I was actually part of an evaluation of the 9th light inf division, we hit them with one of the heavy mechanized inf brigades from the 4th inf division based out of Fort Carson, we hit them so hard that after a few hours of battle they had lost all unit cohesion and started giving up real estate, After a enemy force unit starts forcing you to give up ground the war is lost for you, I do not care if you are using STRYKERS, PUMA`s, AMX RC10`s or RUSSIAN BMP3`s and that your troops have the latest and greatest armor defeating toys at their disposal, a heavy mechanized unit will tear you to shreds. just think of the amount of artillery that you will be hit with, a 155mm HE round has a danger close of 600 meters and this is just one example. This is starting to become scary times with some of the countries out there that are trying to justify getting rid of their heavy forces completly when you have countries that are actually adding heavy mechanized units to their order of battle, Russia, Iran, India and China are just a few, and I think that some of you under estimate China`s capability and what she can do as a fighting unit, her past has shown different than what some of your rubbish suggests. let me give you a scenario that you could come up against with crazy eckherl, if I hit your light brigade I am going to attack you with Air and artillery barrages to keep your heads down, then when I feel that you are at your breaking point I will use my mechanized units to hit you hard, when you are retreating my attack helicopters are going to commit to some more of your demise along with you still being under artillery pressure, I will not let you go until you are completly destroyed or that you have surrendered. Light Brigades serve as good tools for conducting recons, some screening operations and holding ground that your heavy forces have taken, nothing more and history has shown what could happen.