Leopard 2 Capabilities


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I added this because I thought that the Eurosatory picture is newer than the older ones and represents the current PSO version offered by KMW.

And jup it really looks like they added the glacis armor but didn't add the frontal upgrade or at least not the full upgrade.

I have heard that the full PSO package has some serious weight problems.
It is simply too fat for MLC70. That gives you some serious problems with alot of bridges and with the Panzerschnellbrücke 2.

And you think that the UrbanOps Leo is not going to get the M package?
Belly breaking IEDs and mines are like the salt of every urban combat operation.
But who am I to have doubts about the wisdom of our procurement system...


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I really doubt it at the moment. It seems to cost quite a bit, probably because it involves some major rearrangement of crewspace (gotta tear out the seats and replace them, add liner and redirection plates on the floors, add in those new seats hooked to the ceiling...). They barely scrunched together enough of a budget to update the remaining A6 to A6M.

Of course, now with the Konjunkturpaket and all that, who knows...


New Member
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UXF3E6j6Uo&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Warrior on Tracks - Leopard 2A4 Tanks[/ame]

SAF Leopard 2A4 Exercise


Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks Ramjetmissile, I enjoyed watching the video.

BTW, Red had earlier posted information in another thread that the Singapore Leopard 2s are going to be upgraded and provided details from an interview with Singapore`s Chief of Army published in the Asian Defence Journal:

Spidey said:
To simply matters, Red has kindly provided a summary of the Singapore Leopard 2 changes:

Red said:
1) They will retain the L44 120mm gun for the time being while retaining the possbility of upgrading them to the L55 gun in future. SAF feels that the L44 will be more than adequate currently given our own threat scenarios. Instead, the SAF will leverage on new versatile kinetic energy and multiple purpose ammunition(advanced kinetic energy rounds and programmable fuze, multi-purpose rounds) to hit and kill targets.

2) New network-centric Battlefield management system to be installed so that the Leos are linked to the SAF`s over-arching battle network.(Already known)

3) New "data-bus" system for better connectivity(SAF`s UAVs and other network centric systems)

4) New Auxilliary Power Unit for better sustainability and power

5) New fire control system for enhanced lethality

6) New armour modules "all-round" for better protection;hence new look

7) New running gear to cater for new weight growth due to new armour; im guessing it will probably be in the range of 60-65 tons.

Your fellow Leopard 2 fan. :)


New Member
Very interesting video. Funny that the end of the cold war made a cosmopolitan out of the old Leo 2, designed to burn in the Fulda Gap.

By the way: i just fell in love with Charissa Seet. :p:


New Member
Well, it will not be Leo 2A4s for sure when SAF is done upgrading them. And it will not look the same. The three potential choices for armour module upgrades are;

1) Leo PSO(full or elements of Leo PSO)
3) Rafael Aspro

Given the added weight, I reckon it might be a Leo PSO varient. I do not know much about the Aspro version for Leo 2 tanks.