I never saw the deleted text, but saying, "???" REALLY doesn't bother me a bit. I've faced much more than some words over the net; difficult real life things, that make this kind of stuff, bit comical.If the Chinese hits a U.S. carrier with that missile, it won't be the last hit. Many U.S. carriers will be simultaneously hit, obviously. Equally funny is your saying that "two Chinese carriers" and "several Chinese submarines" will sink after just one U.S. carrier is hit. That is highly doubtful considering that with all the fancy ASW capabilities the U.S. CBGs supposedly have, they could not detect Chinese submarines stalking them well within striking distance until the submarines surfaced to say: "Hey, I'm over here, doofus." Apparently, these incidents include but is not limited to the most recent one willing to be reported by certain U.S. media outlets. In an even earlier incident, a Chinese submarine surfaced to reveal itself to the U.S. carrier and disappeared again right underneath it despite efforts to track it by the U.S. side. And there were several other similar incidents like it. If the U.S. navy cannot even detect Chinese submarines now, by the time the Chinese deploy the new kind of anti-carrier missile, their newer submarines will be even harder to detect and track. If U.S. carriers are hit, it wil definitely become an all-out conflict. And in the course of an all-out conflict, if certain Chinese submarines are lost, so will submarines on the U.S. side as well, in which case the major U.S. media outlets will try to downplay it as "...there are reports that a U.S. sub may have been hit, but the reports cannot be independently confirmed...Military officials decline to comment...The U.S. military denies having any knowledge of blah blah blah...However, the U.S. military has sunk several Chinese submarines, according to U.S. officials...blah blah blah (more flag-waving)..." The U.S. military and its media cronies will at first deny and lie and use anything to prop up its Hollywood action image until such facade becomes impossible to maintain. One thing is for sure: reality won't happen like in Hollywood-made action movies or the feel-good stories as reported in the U.S. media,
Admin: Text deleted. Read the forum rules and learn to self moderate your posts in future
I appreciate it Mods, but unsless I complain for some reason, which I haven't (different than thankig you guys for removing a person after the fact instead of closing a thread). Some posts are extremely intelligent, and well thought out, and usually the same poster's are willling to go into dept with anyone for their benefit. Most here want to discuss defense rather than people (MySpace has that on lock down. Just in case, www.myspace.com). And that's why I have a lot of respect for so many here, as well as the Mods who, "make it happen." Some people are "experts" accross the board while others are know a lot in a small niche or others have an area or two where their expertise lies. Some just want to learn.
Regardless, don't hold something against him, I was taught by my mom when I was young not to engage in a battle of wits, with those who are unarmned