Kinetic eneregy penetrator is faster then explosive formed penetrator??


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
KEP : 1500-1700 m/s (from current tank guns; depending on range of course)
EFP : 1000-3000 m/s (depending on material and form; after explosion)

for comparison, pure HEAT : 10k+ m/s (tip of jet, hydrodynamic slug forming through different velocities in jet)


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KEP : 1500-1700 m/s (from current tank guns; depending on range of course)
EFP : 1000-3000 m/s (depending on material and form; after explosion)

for comparison, pure HEAT : 10k+ m/s (tip of jet, hydrodynamic slug forming through different velocities in jet)
If an active protection system can intercept a KEP it can deal with EFP right?...


New Member
Im talking on something like that:

and the active protection system is the Iron Fist that can deal with KEP ,but i dont know if it can deal with EFP.
Well, I am completely unsure of the specifics about Iron Fist. So you can clarify that later.

I guess as long as Iron Fist can detect that within a certain range, and fire a countermeasure that can destroy the copper plate in mind, I guess it'll work. It also depends on the orientation of the projectile launcher. If the mine is within 50 meters and below it may not be likely that the APS can detect and destroy it.

Again, it goes back to the specs of the APS. For ARENA-E, it's 50m for detection then a few seconds later it's engaged by a countermeasure. And even then, from what I read the countermeasure for the ARENA-E is mainly to engage missiles and RPGs. I'm not sure if the flacchettes of the ARENA-E countermeasure would likely destroy the plate. Perhaps slow it down, but not destroy it. (Because the plate isn't the same thing as an RPG or an ATGM, it carries no explosive only energy)

It's noted that you say Iron Fist can engage KEPs, so perhaps if it can detect the projectile and manage to destroy it, I guess it can work. EFPs aren't so much different from KEPs. Both of them use kinetic energy, of course in different applications but more or less. From what I understand, the EFP works pretty much like HEAT round, but I might be wrong so please do tell me if I am.


New Member
I joined specifically for this.
EFP's are usually positioned a few meters (like 7-15 or less-I saw the blast spot from one like 4ish meters off the road)) off the road on the shoulder or median. I'm skeptical that anything out there can detect/react to, locate, and destroy an object moving roughly 2,000 meters per second directly at an object a few meters away. Maybe but it seems extremely unlikely. An EFP basically works like a HEAT round, a jerry rigged HEAT round I suppose.
I'm also skeptical about these APS's that can handle daisy chained EFP's (2-3 daisy chained and you're in trouble). Luckily that's rare to see.
And they can be aimed at any spot, the front of a vehicle, the sides, back, whatever. I don't know know a whole lot about the APS but I mean, where would you set it up so it doesn't get in the way of the gunner and can still be able to fire at any side of the vehicle?

Awang se

New Member
Verified Defense Pro
It'll take a lot to stop a KEP. It's a dense solid metal dart travelling at 8 times the speed of sound. The best you can hope (if your APS even have time to react) is for the APS to degrade a small portion of the KEP kinetic energy and let your Armor to handle the rest. Unlike HEAT round, you can't explode a KEP using a metal splinters.


New Member
The navy is developing a kinetic weapon that can travel almost mock 8 at that speed you don't need explosives

Navy Electromagnetic Rail Gun prototype.
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