The Radar Game
Response to ELP Post # 28 -
Have been a fan of Dr Rebecca Grant's work for years - as have colleagues in DC and elsewhere. This would have to be one of if not the best public releasable Primer around on 'stealths' history and technologies.
The example that was used is a tad obvious but, hopefully, will get the message across to a few if not many more.
I see PMA 265 is copping a bit of flack for their smoke and spin about SH similarities with 5th Gens. I suppose they reckon if LM and the JSF SPO (along with others, including a number on this side of the pond) can do it and get away with it, then why shouldn't they. Sigh!
Some say shooting 6 lawyers every morning would be a damned good start to the day. Doing something similar to 6 marketeers and their spin doctors would have to run a close second to this, don't you think?.
There is some scuttlebut going around at the moment (therefore, only a rumour at present) that the LO/CLO EXCOM release approval for the export JSF will likely be the same as that granted for the SH, clean. Any chance of taking this from rumour to gouge status?
Re the canted pylons, looks like the classic ~400 KCAS problem.
A nice, succint piece of handiwork -
Tough Love Time
"I was going to save this, but I have reached my consumption level from reading almost daily in the Aussie press, the sad story of a fighter plane road map for the Australian Air Force.
I have never seen such a collection of illogic since I got my lovely girlfriend a calendar for a present that had all the famous George Bush gaffes in it. The real problem here is that George Bush can't help it. You can. For producing a fighter road map for the RAAF that has teeth for the next 30 years, the Australian defence establishment in current power is in serious trouble. Not a little bit of trouble... not a medium bit of trouble... a lot of trouble. God love 'em, but the people making the final decision don't have a clue on their best day. . . . ."