Indus said:mysterious, Well you can think whatever you want to, problem is that you cant back any of it up.. no one is saying that this latest Israeli missile is Indian indigenous.. Israeli missile technology is obviously superior.. India is just trying to diversify its arsenal..mysterious said:To this day, I've never believed India developed its ballistic missiles and N-technology on its own. Its just clean propaganda! Isreal (indirectly U.S.) and Russia all helped India do all this stuff and quite a lot sensible people know it!
Maybe before you talk about other countries programs, you should be reminded that almost entire Pakistani nuclear arsenal are Chinese and North Korean missiles that were renamed and/or modified..
i.e.: entire Shaheen series "are imports from China by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)".. these are simply M-11 missiles that were renamed to the farsi word for hawk - Shaheen.
Ghauri Series:
"More recently, the A.Q. Khan Research Laboratories, which is also responsible for Pakistan's uranium bomb program, has imported and tested the North Korean Nodong missile under the name Ghauri.
So basically everything in Pak arsenal besides maybe the Hatf series, is imported..
India certainly has an indigenous ability to build ballistic missiles. As for nuke development, it's a bit of a stretch to say that they couldn't do it themselves either.mysterious said:To this day, I've never believed India developed its ballistic missiles and N-technology on its own. Its just clean propaganda! Isreal (indirectly U.S.) and Russia all helped India do all this stuff and quite a lot sensible people know it!
Not hyped up, just wanted to correct your exaggerations. Agni I, II, III are indigenous.. prithivi series may be based on other designs, but it most certainly is not imported and renamed, unlike Pakistani missiles.. As far as nuclear development, surely that involved substantial Russian assistance..did I say they werent? :smokingc: lol...why r u so hyped up? just because I said something abt Indian stuff being israeli n russian? lol chill man! its a known fact :cop
Mukul, can you show me some links please? All my databases show Privthi as being a combination propellant.mukul said:Prithiv has 10 m of CAP
Gf now pRithiv is also soild fuel...their its written it is soild /liquid mix and Prithiv is one stage missile and use only one type od fuel and not two type on same missile......
If you are responding to a poster then make sure they know who it is you are responding to.Faisal_Masud said:All the publications made by FAS are based on the conconcted stories published by US newspapers.So don't believe on these stupid things published by FAS.
:? :helpFaisal_Masud said:All the publications made by FAS are based on the conconcted stories published by US newspapers.So don't believe on these stupid things published by FAS.
Well First of all Privthi is not based on US Scout Missile , infact it is based on Russian From Russian SA-2. Army missile.gf0012 said:The Privthi is liquid only - it was based on the US Scout missile. To re-engine the Privthi to use solid fuel packs would be an expensive and somewhat debatable exercise in futility - especially when other opportunities are possible.mukul said:India conducted mnay test of soild fuel Prithvi missiles , now only soild version of this missiles handed to army.
Redesigning an SRBM from liquid to solids is highly questionable when the rest of Indias ballistic missile ORBAT covers range overlaps.
However, if you have links confirming a conversion to solid fuels it would be good to see them posted.
1) don't be insulting or you will have an incredibly short forum life.mukul said:Brain ,,, please consult your source ........
Prathi is single stage missile ..... how can single stage missile two type of fuels at the same time ?
The lines means that prithaiv can use soild and liquid .... or we have borth version of prithaiv mssile .... mix fuel dosen't means it use liquid first and then soild later ... dosen it ? .... cmon please ....