We have a GDP at last estimate slightly bigger then Singapores, something around the 175-180 $ Billion mark, but I'm not an economist so that's a mute point.Ireland is a small country with a small population, and a small GDP to match!!
The end of the Cold War also saw immediate downsize of at least one European army - the Germans. Who's next?
And with the Cold War over, it's hard to justify using taxpayers money on big ticket military items. Why duplicate Britain's role unless there is cash to spare or a threat clear and present?
Still, you have to paint a credible picture why Ireland should beef up its military. I'm just playing devil's advocate as this is probably what the politicians or soldiers have to do to justify more military spending to the Irish public.
Keeping the skies clear of terrorist cannot justify multi-million dollar fighter air force. Ground based air defense would suffice.
It's not really wrong with Ireland depending on Britain to provide the air cover. Oz and NZ seem very comfortable with that arrangement.
why would we need to beeff, up well look at the World, it's not exactly a pleasent place and we should be prepared for what it will become, , we should have something of an indepentent airlift/sea lift capability, we have large contingent's of on the ground around the World, including one going into Chad, and it would be nice if we could supply/extract if needed those GF at any time, without depending on others who have other priorities, we also have the largest sea area of any EU nation now, our territory was recently extended out to the continental shelf, to give us access to the mineral/oil/gas deposits there, it's a vast vast area to protect, something like the equivelent of Australia controlling a huge chunk of the Pacific, ...it's a little bit for large for what we have right now