fylr71 said:
The question is do we have the troop strength to deal with the Iraq insurgency as well as something that will probably be very similar in Iran which also happens to be about 50% larger then Iraq.
No! We dont. I think to plan any kind of OP against Iran alone would be stupid. First off why should our kids have to fight against what is a regional/Euro security matter. Given the track record of Iran and its involvement in International trade of missile and WMD technology its really a world-wide security matter.
Still, no matter what the American readiness state we are in, they are smart enough to realize the disposition of American forces in the region has left them in a disadvantageous position. To the east is Afghanistan, "with its Yank presence", and Pakistan "an American Ally", or if push came to shove would probably side with us. To the north are former Soviet states eager to improve relations with the West "as their own guarantee against a new Russian empire" and which we have already forged alliances. To the West of Iran is Iraq and Turkey, "again either occupied or allied". To the south are the Gulf states who are scared willy,nilly of Iran and allied with America. One end of the Gulf is in our hands and on the other end sits in blue water the USN.
Covering all this is a network of bases we could possibly use in an OP against Iran. Meanwhile both Syria and Iran have been isolated, much of the regions water is in friendly hands, the flow of oil is assured, and hopefully the seed of Democracy will be planted in that troubled region and there will eventually be peace. I would say the flow of oil is far more important then anything else. "Oil" is one of the few good reasons to go to war I can think of. And its just as important for you Europeans because without it we all crumble.
THIS! was the master plan of it all. It is war and Political brinkmanship on a truly strategic scale. How sad that so many are so shallow or so tied up in their anti-Bush'ism, or anti-American'ism, that they are blind to the big picture. Add to all this our anti-Terror efforts, going after their money, hunting them down....ect
Strange isnt it that even some of the military minded are incapable of looking at the war in more then one dimension. And that one dimension controlled by their emotions and/or personal Political leanings.
I couldn't imagine a world as worse off as one with the likes of Saddam, Kim, or the ruling Mullahs in Iran, having arsenals bristling with nuclear weapons. Because with each new member to "The Club", most of all if a Dictatorship, the odds such weapons will be used/sold, either accidentally or on purpose, rises exponentially. THIS is not the kind of world we want to give our kids.