Iran Tests New 300km Anti-Ship Missile


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Verified Defense Pro
The Iranians have been doing a lot of upgrades to their pre 79 equipment?
That does not mean anything. Name me a platform that the Iranians currently have that can spot a ship from 200 miles away AND provide good enough data to guide the missile.


Banned Member
How about their F-4/14s, P-3s and/or UAVs? They can also share intel with others- even a fishing/merchant dow/ship can relay info., not to mention their "friends and allies". And a Kilo sub can wait in the Gulf of Oman. I don't know about long range radars, but those are not long in coming! There are plenty of mountains in Iran to get good coverage for 100s of miles!


Banned Member
Why not mines?

If the Iranians plan to close the Hormuz Strait, the mines would be my weapon of choise. Any information on that?
Or don't they have vessels to guard them/lay them?

Shore batteries would definately help, but as a stand-alone solution??


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
If the Iranians plan to close the Hormuz Strait, the mines would be my weapon of choise. Any information on that?
Or don't they have vessels to guard them/lay them?

Shore batteries would definately help, but as a stand-alone solution??
AFAIK mines have always been part of the Iranian repertoire.



Banned Member
Iran will also soon launch its 1st satellite-

And IMO, data from Russian satellites & AWACS can also be relayed to them for targeting.
It appears that the launch was successful. satellite


Also, they could probably adopt/modify С-300 radars with range up to 300km for use against ships. Placed on hills overlooking the shores of the Gulf of Oman, they could detect surface targets even farther out in the Arabian Sea.

Conversely, having long range AShMs allows them to fire from farther inland, thus aiding their survival prior to launch.
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