Funny enough that Tphuang being the one mentioning that Sunburn is one of the most over-rated missiles out there but that it is chinese missiles that tops it in every aspect
I admitt that there is a hype conerning the Moskit, but its hardly over-rated. It was revolutionary and superior to anything else when first introduced and if you look simply to the statistics (which sadly most of you ever do) it still outperforms all non-russian SSMs. In fact only missiles that really out performs it in its over chategory is Yakhont which altough orginally started as a competitor to the Moskit ended up being its replacement.
But we shouldn't be looking the statistics alone but actually paying attention to the doctrines and the idea of how the missile was mented for being used.
Moskit is the main weapon of the soviet BRK (large rocket ship) concept. Its basicly the orginal idea of destroyers adopted to present day (then) armed with missiles instead of torbedoes and mented for attacking against surface ships. This seems quite locigal and many of you might think that does every other surface warships. Well no. It isen't so. Western navies have somewhat given away the anti-surface ship role from surface ships and their destroyers are despite their names completely different ships and mented for different tasks.
Unlike western navies, soviets adopted the SSMs for the conceptual replacement of torbedoes onboard destroyers as well. Soviet thinking called large missiles as they tought that the needed damage against the large surface ships was larger than eventually was the case (as showed in the Falklands war). Also the performance requirements for the missiles were of such that smaller missiles woudln't be adequate. So thus came the Moskit. It was succesor to the Termit and in someway to surface launched Malakhits. Altough there were supersonic SSMs existing back then, but none in the size/concept cathegory of the Moskit.
In general its bit naive to compare/make top 5 list of missiles from different chategories but IMO its unwise to jump over the doctrines as well. If you take Moskit for example from its orginal concept and try to fit it in to something completely different philosofy and tacktics, you wont end up good. I admitt that the western missiles, due their far smaller size makes then bit more versitale and at least more suitable to various western naval strategies but then again no western nor even chinese missiles are suitable for the soviet/russian ideas.
But if we humour our younger ones and stick solely in the narrow perspective of "globalsecurity" worldview and look only for the specs, I still bit wonder the top 5 list of Tphuangs...exspecially the strong emhasis over chinese missiles (well In reality I don't wonder it at all

). What makes Yj-83, Yj-62 and Yj-12 better than Moskits?
Range? Well yeas, perhaps. At least on paper all those missiles, except Yj-12 has a longer range than Moskit. Thats natural as they all have completely different propulsion mehtods compared to the Moskit. They all have small turbojet engines which is good for the range, but not for the speed and power needed for the supersonic flight of Moskit. Yj-83 at least in chinese circles enjoys the terminal supersonic speed, but IMO this is just hype and boasting. The concept of the missile just doesen't allow this. Only other SSM with turbojet as the sole propulsion is supersonic and that is the huge Bazalt which is completely different chategory missile. No other missile ever been in service, even in the size of Moskits, fitted with turbojets can go supersonic.
3M-54 has a turbojet and is only slightly larger than Yj-83, but it's terminal supersonic speed is made possiple with the solid rocket engine that takes over after the last stage of the missile departs from the rest.
So is the range, which would require extensive OTH targetting to be achived in effectual means anyway really that cruisal factor in modern naval warfare? Well here we end up back to the larger picture and then we would have to take the doctrines and concepts along again...and that is apparently just too booring for the rest of you...or is it?