Iran Iraq war-militant forces marching across middle east

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New Member
saddam was politically and financially supported by ameirca, that's better than weapons being sold to saddam's iraq!

as for iran's basij, sure they will damage an army, an american army of 100,000 men would be in huge trouble if 6 million basij were to fight them in a guerrilla warfare, even in a 10 - 1 ratio per american solider they would still be in trouble.

So iran's basij still does have uses in modern warfare.

The best choice by the usa is direct talks with iran, anything else is simply a waste of time, sanctions will do nothing, politics will do nothing in the un, iran is pushing ahead with it's nuclear program, unless they seriously expect to leave iraq and afghanistan and bomb iran in the next 3 months, i am guessing by 3-4 month iran will have 3-5,000 centrifuges installed.

Iran is the one here calling the shots, not America, America can only ask other countries to sanction certain Iranian materials, that’s all, an air raid by America is suicide in iraq and Afghanistan and their bases internationally along with the embassies will be in direct danger, if you think iran wouldn’t attack them think again.


Banned Member
csite said:
The best choice by the usa is direct talks with iran, anything else is simply a waste of time, sanctions will do nothing, politics will do nothing in the un, iran is pushing ahead with it's nuclear program, unless they seriously expect to leave iraq and afghanistan and bomb iran in the next 3 months, i am guessing by 3-4 month iran will have 3-5,000 centrifuges installed.[/COLOR]

Iran is the one here calling the shots, not America, America can only ask other countries to sanction certain Iranian materials, that’s all, an air raid by America is suicide in iraq and Afghanistan and their bases internationally along with the embassies will be in direct danger, if you think iran wouldn’t attack them think again.
The US will NOT let Iran have nukes. Direct talks with Iran on this issue are useless. While the US is not in a position for full scale invasion they can set back the Iranian program back 10 yrs by bombing their facilities. The USAF is not tied down at the moment and is fully capable of a sustained air-war with Iran. Let's see how they do against the new F-22s. I don't doubt Iran would attack US Embassies but they wouldn't get within the perimeter of US airbases, force protection is pretty good, not to mention doing anything to 6 CAGs stationed off the coast. Iran's only weapon in this debate is oil, I hope they raise the pp/barrel to $100 then the US will wake up to the need for energy independence. I'm still waiting for my FLEX car.


New Member
Big-E said:
The US will NOT let Iran have nukes. Direct talks with Iran on this issue are useless. While the US is not in a position for full scale invasion they can set back the Iranian program back 10 yrs by bombing their facilities. The USAF is not tied down at the moment and is fully capable of a sustained air-war with Iran. Let's see how they do against the new F-22s. I don't doubt Iran would attack US Embassies but they wouldn't get within the perimeter of US airbases, force protection is pretty good, not to mention doing anything to 6 CAGs stationed off the coast. Iran's only weapon in this debate is oil, I hope they raise the pp/barrel to $100 then the US will wake up to the need for energy independence. I'm still waiting for my FLEX car.

nonsense, you have no idea how many times i have heard this stupid argument, america is amazing, america is god, noone can touch america or americans, it's not as hard as you think to bomb america's embassy in asian countries etc.

Sure i don't doubt america's capability to strike iran's nuclear plants, but what you say is nothing more than BS that iran will simply use oil as a weapon after that, so when america attacks iran will say ok, you attack we will close the hormuz right? WRONG, iran will make life living hell in iraq and afghanistan and they WILL personally target americans in iraq, it's their right to defend their country from america if america is the first partner to attack, iran has every right to defend and retaliate to such an attack, iran would look extremely weak if they just sit still and will become targets for an invasion further on down the line like iraq if they did that, they wouldn't, no country in iran's position will back down, looking weak right now is unacceptable.

I am not saying iran can stop the F22's, i am saying america must calculate the retaliation militarily AND economically before they attack, and your analysis is nothing but nonsense to set iran back 10 years, those expert analysis come from the same idiots and morons who said saddam had wmd's which he would launch within 45 mins and iraq bought uranium to make nukes from south africa, iran is more than capable enough to hide it's enrichment, for all you care iran could have 100 other facilities which they are enriching uranium in to weapons grade level, so to think you attack iran and set their program back 10 years is nonsense, it's not like iran hasn't calculated such a measure being under taken, iran is more aware of this possibility more than me and you, even the iaea doesn't believe all iran's sites which they disclosed are all the nuclear sites in iran.

The price america will pay on a strike against iran will be much greater than not striking iran, because a nuclear iran is no real threat to the world, sure you go on about iran supports hezbollah, the fact of the matter is iran never armed hezbollah with advanced long range missiles, or chemical and biological weapons (which they have), only weapons they can use to defend themselves or a possible limited strike capability against the IDF, iran would never arm them with nukes (not that they are even capable of launching nuclear weapons from their lebanese bases) it's just the pathetic american scare tactics, ahmadinejad doesn't directly control many things in iran, if iran wanted to attack any one it would have to go through many places, ahmadinejad gets no final say in this, khamenei has a final say along with the guardian council of iran and IRGC. Iran knows if they nuke anyone they will be sent to hell with every other country nuking them back! it's not like iran will nuke israel and think well that's done we can relax, america will most likely nuke iran in retaliation if not israel via their submarines!

Let's talk some sense, in reality america can't do anything about iran having nukes unless they talk to iran and offer iran something really amazing that iran can't resist but to fully give up enrichment and nuclear research, you (america) said the same nonsense about north korea and bragged on about how dangerous they were, north korea hasn't nuked anyone yet, so where is the danger.
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New Member
What is really sad is that other than the US, no country in the world is ready to do anything other than utter useless words to stop Iran from going nuclear.
Russia, China and bits of Europe have supplied parts of the technology to build nuclear weaponry. They all prefer pushing trade than doing anything about the threat Iran is.
The US is completely stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan and just cannot increase the risks they are already facing by adding another enemy.

It is really awful to realize that in this situation even F22, Nimitz-class carriers, the most updated M1 Abrahams tanks just cannot do much.

We need to strengthen the army first with more good old manpower and more training on how to handle local population without alienating them.


New Member
contedicavour said:
What is really sad is that other than the US, no country in the world is ready to do anything other than utter useless words to stop Iran from going nuclear.
Russia, China and bits of Europe have supplied parts of the technology to build nuclear weaponry. They all prefer pushing trade than doing anything about the threat Iran is.
The US is completely stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan and just cannot increase the risks they are already facing by adding another enemy.

It is really awful to realize that in this situation even F22, Nimitz-class carriers, the most updated M1 Abrahams tanks just cannot do much.

We need to strengthen the army first with more good old manpower and more training on how to handle local population without alienating them.
Every country has it's own economic and political interests, which is why america vetos all israeli un resolutions no matter how crazy.


New Member
csite said:
Every country has it's own economic and political interests, which is why america vetos all israeli un resolutions no matter how crazy.
Fine, but why does every country rely on the US to handle the tough issues then ? It's a clear case of "moral hazard" : anybody can trade with rogue countries, anyway if it were to turn nasty you can always call the US. I'm really interested in seeing what the world will do to stop Iran, since this time I'm pretty sure the US won't act. They just can't, they are overstretched and the population back home would be dead against.:rolleyes: Though I can understand, my country just lost 2 peacekeepers in Afghanistan today, after 4 more in Iraq a week ago. You can easily get tired of playing global policeman, especially when you just get shouted at by doing so :mad3


csite said:
saddam was politically and financially supported by ameirca, that's better than weapons being sold to saddam's iraq!

as for iran's basij, sure they will damage an army, an american army of 100,000 men would be in huge trouble if 6 million basij were to fight them in a guerrilla warfare, even in a 10 - 1 ratio per american solider they would still be in trouble.

So iran's basij still does have uses in modern warfare.

The best choice by the usa is direct talks with iran, anything else is simply a waste of time, sanctions will do nothing, politics will do nothing in the un, iran is pushing ahead with it's nuclear program, unless they seriously expect to leave iraq and afghanistan and bomb iran in the next 3 months, i am guessing by 3-4 month iran will have 3-5,000 centrifuges installed.

Iran is the one here calling the shots, not America, America can only ask other countries to sanction certain Iranian materials, that’s all, an air raid by America is suicide in iraq and Afghanistan and their bases internationally along with the embassies will be in direct danger, if you think iran wouldn’t attack them think again.
OK, please list your sources of how the USA financed and supported Saddams Iraq. While your at it please explain how an airstrike against Iran would be "suicidal" against Americas forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What really concerns about Iran, mind you I'll quit before this becomes another locked thread, is that they are run by religious fanatics that are hostile to my country and way of life. They would be the first Theocracy to have control of nuclear weaponry. Communists, like NK's midget, are models of predictability compared to the 72 virgin crowd.

I also disagree with the assessment that "Iran knows if they nuke anyone they will be sent to hell with every other country nuking them back!". This statement has no base in reality, exactly who would send Iran to hell afterwards? I'm not aware of any treaty Israel has with another nuclear power that would trigger a retaliatory strike.
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New Member
Rich said:
OK, please list your sources of how the USA financed and supported Saddams Iraq. While your at it please explain how an airstrike against Iran would be "suicidal" against Americas forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What really concerns about Iran, mind you I'll quit before this becomes another locked thread, is that they are run by religious fanatics that are hostile to my country and way of life. They would be the first Theocracy to have control of nuclear weaponry. Communists, like NK's midget, are models of predictability compared to the 72 virgin crowd.

I also disagree with the assessment that "Iran knows if they nuke anyone they will be sent to hell with every other country nuking them back!". This statement has no base in reality, exactly who would send Iran to hell afterwards? I'm not aware of any treaty Israel has with another nuclear power that would trigger a retaliatory strike.
are you kidding me?

Initially, Iraq advanced far into Iranian territory, but was driven back within months. By mid-1982, Iraq was on the defensive against Iranian human-wave attacks. The U.S., having decided that an Iranian victory would not serve its interests, began supporting Iraq: measures already underway to upgrade U.S.-Iraq relations were accelerated, high-level officials exchanged visits, and in February 1982 the State Department removed Iraq from its list of states supporting international terrorism. (It had been included several years earlier because of ties with several Palestinian nationalist groups, not Islamicists sharing the worldview of al-Qaeda. Activism by Iraq's main Shiite Islamicist opposition group, al-Dawa, was a major factor precipitating the war -- stirred by Iran's Islamic revolution, its endeavors included the attempted assassination of Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz.)

Prolonging the war was phenomenally expensive. Iraq received massive external financial support from the Gulf states, and assistance through loan programs from the U.S. The White House and State Department pressured the Export-Import Bank to provide Iraq with financing, to enhance its credit standing and enable it to obtain loans from other international financial institutions. The U.S. Agriculture Department provided taxpayer-guaranteed loans for purchases of American commodities, to the satisfaction of U.S. grain exporters.

The U.S. restored formal relations with Iraq in November 1984, but the U.S. had begun, several years earlier, to provide it with intelligence and military support (in secret and contrary to this country's official neutrality) in accordance with policy directives from President Ronald Reagan. These were prepared pursuant to his March 1982 National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 4-82) asking for a review of U.S. policy toward the Middle East.

You are so brainwashed by the american media you completely misunderstand the iranian regime, iran isn't all hardliners, iran's regime is extra ordinary complex, it's run by a combination of hard-line ayatollah, reformist ayatollahs, hardline mp's, reformist mp's. It's not all conservative, rafsanjani who is seen to be the 3rd man in power by many in iran is no way as extreme as ahmadinejad who is seen to be the second in power.

You watched too much films and completely disregard history and facts, let me remind you, UK and Germany supplied iraq with chemical and biological weapons, these were used on iran, iran at the time also had these weapons but chose not to use it, cut the BS about the 72 virgins, iranians are not sunni muslims, most shia clerics doubt the 72 virgin theory, the pathetic media better known as the american media paints this evil terrorist like picture of iran like they are waiting to develop a nuke to destroy the world because they think iranian are suicidal, it's not the case, noone in iran has ever said they plan to nuke anyone, the plan to missile anyone (let's forget the lost in translation of ahmadinejad with his wipe israel off the map speech for a second) if anything it's the country you live in is threatening nuclear strikes, when asked bush wouldn't rule it out.

Yes, iran did human wave attacks, but only when it had to, it's not like right from the start iran decided to simply do human wave attacks, only when it lacked parts, it's army was virtually destroyed and there was extremely limited weapons supply iran to the decision to make the basij. I have many friends in the basij, none of them want to die, none want to die and goto heaven or hell, but they are prepared to defend their land and country from attack.

Iran in theory can use wmd's right this very moment in iraq and kill many american troops by missiling them with chemical and biological weapons off guard, if you think iran doesn't care if they get nuked!

There was an incident in the iran iraq war, when an american ship was hit by an iranian mine, america was pissed off mainly at iraq for being so crap at war, so they took the opportunity to sink virtually half of iran's naval fleet in the area, and they did, iran took the strategic decision not to go into direct war with the usa, now where is that pathetic 72 virgin idea you had, that iran would do anything, iran like any other regime and country thinks about it's regime's survival, it's people and it's country first. You have no idea how iran's regime works and you are already talking about iran believing in 72 virgins and wanting to destroy the world with nukes, iran has not been aggressive.

As for your argument who would send iran to hell afterwards, israel WOULD KNOW if iran launched a missile against it, immediately they will nuke iran back, via air, missile, naval and submarines, don't act as it israel is incapable of defending itself, america has said time and time again we will defend out ally israel, i think bush said that about 1 month ago himself.

Iran wasn't hostile to america till america became hostile to iran by hosting iran's shah for medical treatment and not handing him over to iran, then iran did the second hostage crisis, stop acting like america is the victim here, far from it, you have a very limited historical knowledge, brush up on your history about the iranian american relations and stop reading the nonsense about iran's theocracy, iran has many voices in it's regime, not just a single ultra religious fanatical voice, you should be more worried about your country with the powers of AIPAC and now the evangelicals who want to make the most powerful lobby groups rather than iran, perhaps stop bush listening to his god too, when bush invades iraq because god told him to, don't talk about iran being a religious theocracy, it's hypocritical of you, specially since you have such powerful lobbies like AIPAC, the evangelicals and the iconic G W Bush.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, America is no angel.


Banned Member
csite said:

You are so brainwashed by the american media you completely misunderstand the iranian regime, iran isn't all hardliners, iran's regime is extra ordinary complex, it's run by a combination of hard-line ayatollah, reformist ayatollahs, hardline mp's, reformist mp's. It's not all conservative, rafsanjani who is seen to be the 3rd man in power by many in iran is no way as extreme as ahmadinejad who is seen to be the second in power.

You watched too much films and completely disregard history and facts, let me remind you, UK and Germany supplied iraq with chemical and biological weapons, these were used on iran, iran at the time also had these weapons but chose not to use it, cut the BS about the 72 virgins, iranians are not sunni muslims, most shia clerics doubt the 72 virgin theory, the pathetic media better known as the american media paints this evil terrorist like picture of iran like they are waiting to develop a nuke to destroy the world because they think iranian are suicidal, it's not the case, noone in iran has ever said they plan to nuke anyone, the plan to missile anyone (let's forget the lost in translation of ahmadinejad with his wipe israel off the map speech for a second) if anything it's the country you live in is threatening nuclear strikes, when asked bush wouldn't rule it out.
It is true the majority of the Iranian population are not hardliners. They are comprised of a rather secular generation of young people. Over the past couple of decades the demographics pyramid have shifted to an almost overwhelming majority of people under the age of 35. These folks do not have ill will to anyone and could almost care less about their religion or fundamentalist Islam. Unfortunatly these are not the ones in power. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are the ones with the power and no one else. Both have an openly anti-Western policy especially regarding America. Both have headed rallies chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Isreal." In a country that has no freedom of the press I would think those inside her borders would be the ones who are brainwashed. We are given the opportunity to hear the information from many sides and make up our minds. All those in Iran hear is what the Ayatolla wants them to hear. He has told them on many occasions and has the conservative papers spout anti-western rhetoric every day. He has so much as proclaimed a holy war against non-muslim countries by the statement

"If you do not return to worshipping Allah and refuse to accept justice then you will burn in the fire of the nations' fury"

While the Quran clearly states "There is no compulsion in religion"
[al-Baqarah 2:256]

He blatently defiles the tenants of Islam meaning "peace" to suit his own political heresy. He shuts down and censors all liberal media outlets. These are not opinions, these are facts well documented.

csite said:
Iran in theory can use wmd's right this very moment in iraq and kill many american troops by missiling them with chemical and biological weapons off guard, if you think iran doesn't care if they get nuked!
A WMD attack on American troops would cause minimal damage unless it's nuclear. Not only have we been vacinated for many diseases but they all carry gear to deal with this contingency. All of the tracked vehicles are equipped to deal with NBC warfare as well. You think they haven't been aware of the threat. This is not the only defense, there are plenty of ABM systems operating around key allied areas of control. I know, I have seen it myself. They have gotten quite adept at shooting these things down. On top of the fact that the accuracy of Iranian ballistic missiles leaves much to be desired, when using WMD they need to hit near the target, not 10kms off.

csite said:

There was an incident in the iran iraq war, when an american ship was hit by an iranian mine, america was pissed off mainly at iraq for being so crap at war, so they took the opportunity to sink virtually half of iran's naval fleet in the area, and they did, iran took the strategic decision not to go into direct war with the usa, now where is that pathetic 72 virgin idea you had, that iran would do anything, iran like any other regime and country thinks about it's regime's survival, it's people and it's country first. You have no idea how iran's regime works and you are already talking about iran believing in 72 virgins and wanting to destroy the world with nukes, iran has not been aggressive.
This incident you so precariously throw on the table is known as the Tanker Wars. If Iran hadn't been sinking Kuwaiti oil tankers it never would have happened. The Iranians minefield of the Persian Gulf was in direct violation of international maritime law. The US was only enforcing this law to protect neutral countries shipping. If Iran could have known the difference b/w the Kuwaiti flag and the Iraqi flag the US would have done nothing. But I guess that was too difficult.

csite said:
As for your argument who would send iran to hell afterwards, israel WOULD KNOW if iran launched a missile against it, immediately they will nuke iran back, via air, missile, naval and submarines, don't act as it israel is incapable of defending itself, america has said time and time again we will defend out ally israel, i think bush said that about 1 month ago himself.
When the president and Supreme Leader declare "Death to America and Death to Isreal" what do you expect them to say???:confused:

csite said:

Iran wasn't hostile to america till america became hostile to iran by hosting iran's shah for medical treatment and not handing him over to iran, then iran did the second hostage crisis, stop acting like america is the victim here, far from it, you have a very limited historical knowledge, brush up on your history about the iranian american relations and stop reading the nonsense about iran's theocracy, iran has many voices in it's regime, not just a single ultra religious fanatical voice, you should be more worried about your country with the powers of AIPAC and now the evangelicals who want to make the most powerful lobby groups rather than iran, perhaps stop bush listening to his god too, when bush invades iraq because god told him to, don't talk about iran being a religious theocracy, it's hypocritical of you, specially since you have such powerful lobbies like AIPAC, the evangelicals and the iconic G W Bush.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, America is no angel.
Sure there are plenty of voices in Iran, but you only hear one, the one the Ayatolla wants you to hear. Don't talk to me about the hostage crisis! My uncle was taken and held for 444 days. The only good thing he got out of it was lifetime tickets to any baseball game we want to see. We tried to sue Iran and won b/c they couldn't put up a defense only to have the verdict yanked by the State Department. To be honest I am no fan of Bush and you can read that in other posts. His evangelical attitude disturbes me but their is a distinct difference b/w what Bush can do with his beliefs and what the Ayatolla can do. US= seperation of church and state. Iran= church is state

You keep on saying that Bush won't do anything b/c of public opinion, well according to what you say we should be scared of what Bush will do b/c he does what god tells him, not the people of the US... I hate to be the one to break it to you but this is his last term, no re-election to worry about, that means he can do whatever he wants... think about that!


Originally Posted by Rich
OK, please list your sources of how the USA financed and supported Saddams Iraq. While your at it please explain how an airstrike against Iran would be "suicidal" against Americas forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What really concerns about Iran, mind you I'll quit before this becomes another locked thread, is that they are run by religious fanatics that are hostile to my country and way of life. They would be the first Theocracy to have control of nuclear weaponry. Communists, like NK's midget, are models of predictability compared to the 72 virgin crowd.

I also disagree with the assessment that "Iran knows if they nuke anyone they will be sent to hell with every other country nuking them back!". This statement has no base in reality, exactly who would send Iran to hell afterwards? I'm not aware of any treaty Israel has with another nuclear power that would trigger a retaliatory strike.

are you kidding me?
No Im not kidding. And I notice you refused to answer the question or post your facts and sources again. I guess you must be kidding me.

You are so brainwashed by the american media you completely misunderstand the iranian regime, iran isn't all hardliners, iran's regime is extra ordinary complex, it's run by a combination of hard-line ayatollah, reformist ayatollahs, hardline mp's, reformist mp's. It's not all conservative, rafsanjani who is seen to be the 3rd man in power by many in iran is no way as extreme as ahmadinejad who is seen to be the second in power.
First off, and unlike Iran, we have freedom of the press and expression here. The press, like I, can pretty mush say anything we want. I have no concerns MOIS is going to come crashing thru my door at 0300 to imprison me, and put the electricity to me, for saying what I want.

Iran is run by a Dictatorial Theocracy which answer to no-one but itself. They are not elected and the people cant get rid of them. They are the ones that hold the real power in Iran. Most of all over military matters and matters of policy.

You watched too much films and completely disregard history and facts, let me remind you, UK and Germany supplied iraq with chemical and biological weapons, these were used on iran, iran at the time also had these weapons but chose not to use it, cut the BS about the 72 virgins, iranians are not sunni muslims, most shia clerics doubt the 72 virgin theory, the pathetic media better known as the american media paints this evil terrorist like picture of iran like they are waiting to develop a nuke to destroy the world because they think iranian are suicidal, it's not the case, noone in iran has ever said they plan to nuke anyone, the plan to missile anyone (let's forget the lost in translation of ahmadinejad with his wipe israel off the map speech for a second) if anything it's the country you live in is threatening nuclear strikes, when asked bush wouldn't rule it out.

So now your saying it was UK and Germany who financed Saddam? Its true "most" of the dual use technology used by Saddam to make his WMDs came from Western European firms. On the other hand much of this stuff can also be used to make vaccines and process milk products. So there you have it.

Concerning your statement about using nukes. When the leaders of Iran start making public statements about wiping other countries off the map, we take them seriously. They express a wish for genocide and then you tell us were fools for believing them???

Iran in theory can use wmd's right this very moment in iraq and kill many american troops by missiling them with chemical and biological weapons off guard, if you think iran doesn't care if they get nuked!
The balance of forces between Iran and Israel are different then Iran and America. But you know this.

As for your argument who would send iran to hell afterwards, israel WOULD KNOW if iran launched a missile against it, immediately they will nuke iran back, via air, missile, naval and submarines, don't act as it israel is incapable of defending itself, america has said time and time again we will defend out ally israel, i think bush said that about 1 month ago himself.
Its unclear what the American response would be. I don't doubt there would be a response but its very doubtful that America would slaughter millions of innocent Iranian woman and kids in response to a genocide committed against the Jewish people. Such an attack against an ally like Australia for instance? Different ballgame as we have treaty obligations with them and there is no question we would strike in response. I'm not aware of anything our President has said about it, I only live here, if you know of something pray do post the link. And no!, I'm not kidding this time either.

Regarding your opinion on the events of Nov. 1979 I will add that not only was I old enough to remember it, I was also old enough to be under arms at the closest US military base to the conflict zone. For 5 days we waited in our barracks with our battle gear for the go, which we never got. So I guess its fair to say I remember the events very well.

And who were we to hand the Shah over to? A bunch of students who over-ran an embassy? A Totalitarian Govt. who took over a country by force and murder? A religious leader who was calling for our destruction? I don't think so my friend. Maybe its time you moved to a place where you can get all the facts and not just those that make it thru your Govt. censors.

This is degenerating into another US vs THEM thread and Im going to bow out.
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New Member
No Im not kidding. And I notice you refused to answer the question or post your facts and sources again. I guess you must be kidding me.

I did post a source for you to see, clearly the brainwashing has taken so much effect that you are incapable to see the source i posted where america financially aided saddam.

First off, and unlike Iran, we have freedom of the press and expression here. The press, like I, can pretty mush say anything we want. I have no concerns MOIS is going to come crashing thru my door at 0300 to imprison me, and put the electricity to me, for saying what I want.

nonsense, if i say i want to kill americans, or overthrow the american regime or even destabilize the american regime will the fbi not knock on my door? or maybe in america you can say and do what you want in total freedom, forget guantanamobay...

So now your saying it was UK and Germany who financed Saddam? Its true "most" of the dual use technology used by Saddam to make his WMDs came from Western European firms. On the other hand much of this stuff can also be used to make vaccines and process milk products. So there you have it.

aha, iraq made chemical and biological weapons via the same things they vaccinate cows with, even fox news doesn't go that far.

Concerning your statement about using nukes. When the leaders of Iran start making public statements about wiping other countries off the map, we take them seriously. They express a wish for genocide and then you tell us were fools for believing them???

how many times have i heard the typical american gi joe tell me that, we take seriously iran wants to wipe israel off the map, bah, iran has said that since 1979, noone took it serious then, it's not serious now, iran makes lots of verbal threats, it means nothing, again you try and victimise yourself and make israel look like a defenceless child, israel is more than capable of defending itself.

Its unclear what the American response would be. I don't doubt there would be a response but its very doubtful that America would slaughter millions of innocent Iranian woman and kids in response to a genocide committed against the Jewish people. Such an attack against an ally like Australia for instance? Different ballgame as we have treaty obligations with them and there is no question we would strike in response. I'm not aware of anything our President has said about it, I only live here, if you know of something pray do post the link. And no!, I'm not kidding this time either.

Read that.

Regarding your opinion on the events of Nov. 1979 I will add that not only was I old enough to remember it, I was also old enough to be under arms at the closest US military base to the conflict zone. For 5 days we waited in our barracks with our battle gear for the go, which we never got. So I guess its fair to say I remember the events very well.

And who were we to hand the Shah over to? A bunch of students who over-ran an embassy? A Totalitarian Govt. who took over a country by force and murder? A religious leader who was calling for our destruction? I don't think so my friend. Maybe its time you moved to a place where you can get all the facts and not just those that make it thru your Govt. censors.

Iran's revolution was supported by 90% of the iranians, over 10 million iranians out of 30 million were on the streets after the revolution in celebrations, what you talking about murdering, the only brutal person was the shah of iran, iranians wanted a fair trial for him, it's like not giving saddam to the iraqi people, instead letting him goto an island in peace, stop making america look like and angle, they were and are evil in the middle east, they even trained iran's savak in the most brital methods to torture iranians, that's your land of the free.

lol, in 1979, you waited in battle gear for what, you think you should have invaded iran when every iranian at the time was anti american, you think iran is slightly anti american now, you should have seen it then, you educate yourself instead in america's history in iran first.

This is degenerating into another US vs THEM thread and Im going to bow out.
so will i, it seems people on this thread are more day dreamers than military intellects, it's very interesting how in heated discussions people always relate to the topic via history or family, some have their uncles held in iran for 444 days, some are dressed in full gear to invade iran after 1979, maybe we may even get the head of the cia here at the time of 1979 telling us his pov... please, don't let me discourage you guys in what you do, but i don't enjoy imaginary discussions, but discussions close to reality and down to earth (none of this my dad was the head of cia or my uncle was in iran for 444 days captured or i was waiting to invade iran in full military gear stuff, it's a joke and it's irrelevant and does nothing to the integrity of your argument at all.)
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long live usa

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Rich said:
I did read all your posts and came to the conslusion you dont know what your talking about. Iraq never came close to Tehran, never threatened it with anything but the occasional air raid. Saddam didn't "stop his army", the Iranians did. And if you think "the Iranians had no weapons" or that it was un-armed children that pushed back the Iraqis you are living in La'La Land.

You further descend into ignorance with your statement, " was alledgedly planning on using this force to march across the middle east spreading "revelotionary islam" wich is why America started supplying iraq with weapons turning the war into a stale mate thus that is why Iran wanted to march across the middle east". America provided Iraq with NO! weapons. We sold Saddam unarmed helicopters and jeeps while providing him with some satellite intelligence. Thats it! France and the Soviets were Iraqs major arms suppliers. We sold Iran more arms then we did Iraq, "Iran/Contra".

For a youngster who takes the name , "LongLiveUSA", you certainly have no problem implying this, "America made Saddam", nonsense that has spread thruout the world. America had nothing to do with "making Saddam". Saddam murdered his way to power while riding the Baathist Political wave that spread thru the Arabic world in the 60's and 70's.

We had nothing to do with it. Iraq under Saddam was a client state of the Soviets and we did not arm them during their war with Iran. So please read your history before you open your yap kid. Your boring me.:sleepy3
wow i must have over looked that, if you thought i did not respond for so long because i had nothing to say not true i just never saw the post,well my first reaction to your post is:lol3 you obviously have nothing to say about my other post so you chose one i had wrote awhile back,ill admit im no expert on the iraq iran war you already stated this,you must have had nothing to say about the fact that i never said those waves could be effective,also you quoted me directly saying was "alledgedly planing on useing these forces to march across the middle east"I WAS ASKING OF OTHERS OPINIONS(alledgedley i did not make this scenario up either!!!!!!!)so i will study up on the iran iraq war:coffee ,while you study on common sense:lam

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