Originally Posted by Rich
OK, please list your sources of how the USA financed and supported Saddams Iraq. While your at it please explain how an airstrike against Iran would be "suicidal" against Americas forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
What really concerns about Iran, mind you I'll quit before this becomes another locked thread, is that they are run by religious fanatics that are hostile to my country and way of life. They would be the first Theocracy to have control of nuclear weaponry. Communists, like NK's midget, are models of predictability compared to the 72 virgin crowd.
I also disagree with the assessment that "Iran knows if they nuke anyone they will be sent to hell with every other country nuking them back!". This statement has no base in reality, exactly who would send Iran to hell afterwards? I'm not aware of any treaty Israel has with another nuclear power that would trigger a retaliatory strike.
No Im not kidding. And I notice you refused to answer the question or post your facts and sources again. I guess you must be kidding me.
You are so brainwashed by the american media you completely misunderstand the iranian regime, iran isn't all hardliners, iran's regime is extra ordinary complex, it's run by a combination of hard-line ayatollah, reformist ayatollahs, hardline mp's, reformist mp's. It's not all conservative, rafsanjani who is seen to be the 3rd man in power by many in iran is no way as extreme as ahmadinejad who is seen to be the second in power.
First off, and unlike Iran, we have freedom of the press and expression here. The press, like I, can pretty mush say anything we want. I have no concerns MOIS is going to come crashing thru my door at 0300 to imprison me, and put the electricity to me, for saying what I want.
Iran is run by a Dictatorial Theocracy which answer to no-one but itself. They are not elected and the people cant get rid of them. They are the ones that hold the real power in Iran. Most of all over military matters and matters of policy.
You watched too much films and completely disregard history and facts, let me remind you, UK and Germany supplied iraq with chemical and biological weapons, these were used on iran, iran at the time also had these weapons but chose not to use it, cut the BS about the 72 virgins, iranians are not sunni muslims, most shia clerics doubt the 72 virgin theory, the pathetic media better known as the american media paints this evil terrorist like picture of iran like they are waiting to develop a nuke to destroy the world because they think iranian are suicidal, it's not the case, noone in iran has ever said they plan to nuke anyone, the plan to missile anyone (let's forget the lost in translation of ahmadinejad with his wipe israel off the map speech for a second) if anything it's the country you live in is threatening nuclear strikes, when asked bush wouldn't rule it out.
So now your saying it was UK and Germany who financed Saddam? Its true "most" of the dual use technology used by Saddam to make his WMDs came from Western European firms. On the other hand much of this stuff can also be used to make vaccines and process milk products. So there you have it.
Concerning your statement about using nukes. When the leaders of Iran start making public statements about wiping other countries off the map, we take them seriously. They express a wish for genocide and then you tell us were fools for believing them???
Iran in theory can use wmd's right this very moment in iraq and kill many american troops by missiling them with chemical and biological weapons off guard, if you think iran doesn't care if they get nuked!
The balance of forces between Iran and Israel are different then Iran and America. But you know this.
As for your argument who would send iran to hell afterwards, israel WOULD KNOW if iran launched a missile against it, immediately they will nuke iran back, via air, missile, naval and submarines, don't act as it israel is incapable of defending itself, america has said time and time again we will defend out ally israel, i think bush said that about 1 month ago himself.
Its unclear what the American response would be. I don't doubt there would be a response but its very doubtful that America would slaughter millions of innocent Iranian woman and kids in response to a genocide committed against the Jewish people. Such an attack against an ally like Australia for instance? Different ballgame as we have treaty obligations with them and there is no question we would strike in response. I'm not aware of anything our President has said about it, I only live here, if you know of something pray do post the link. And no!, I'm not kidding this time either.
Regarding your opinion on the events of Nov. 1979 I will add that not only was I old enough to remember it, I was also old enough to be under arms at the closest US military base to the conflict zone. For 5 days we waited in our barracks with our battle gear for the go, which we never got. So I guess its fair to say I remember the events very well.
And who were we to hand the Shah over to? A bunch of students who over-ran an embassy? A Totalitarian Govt. who took over a country by force and murder? A religious leader who was calling for our destruction? I don't think so my friend. Maybe its time you moved to a place where you can get all the facts and not just those that make it thru your Govt. censors.
This is degenerating into another US vs THEM thread and Im going to bow out.