Hmmm advise: Turn on the TV check CNN, Foxnews, Or Al Jazeera or any big news agency for that matter.
It might help to read some news papers as well, and if all fails Google is ur friend.
No in all seriousness:
Which media do you rely on?
They seem big on conspiracy theories for Jewish/Israeli domination of the US government. Probably the rest of the world as well.
Thats BS you know that as well as i do, but to be nice and reply to this, its pretty simple regardless if Iran said serious things they better should have not said TRUE.
But while that may be the case they are being painted down as another axis of evil and the world is being prepared for another military confrontation just like Iraq and Afghanistan.
I understand from a US perspective that a nuclear Iran is not something you want, however give me one good reason why the US and Israel have the right to terminate the program without a single piece of evidence that suggest that Iran is not honoring the NPT treaty?
There is not a single intelligence agency that has beyond the reasonable doubt confirmed that Iran has started a weapons nuclear program, also nearly every high resolution satellite is probably fixed on Iran and again not a single event that even points in that direction, and on top of that in the news it has been said by Obama himself that the mullahs did not give the order to go beyond the threshold which has been agreed in the NPT.
The only concern that is a fact is that IF Iran wishes to go beyond the limits of the NPT treaty it could, as it advanced far enough in the program to make that switch.
Neither US Neither Israel has any authority or legal ground to confront Iran in the way they are doing now.
Infact IF Iran is going to build that bomb then there are 2 reasons why they would do such a thing:
1) To avoid their regime to collapse thanks to a outside aggressor
2) To defend them selfs against the biggest danger they have ever faced since the Persian empire namely Israel and the US.
Because like it or not but those 2 nations are gearing up for war and i cannot blame Iran for taking that into account.
Does that make them the axis of evil? Does that make Iran Satans lair? NO
Infact if you read the news Iran did have some minor demands before they would agree to stop the program and those demands are not being honored, however US and Israeli demands must be honored or they will be forced into it.
Now call me crazy....but that sound to me pretty much like double standards.
And if i am wrong....proof me wrong then.
Press reports have had the Whitehouse/Obama claim that they have calling Israel a number of times to tell them to calm down (though not in so many words). The assumption here seems to be they are calling to get orders from their boss.
True, however Obama has the power to make that call and stop Israel and i am not saying asking nicely....NO just tell them..
The hostage thing is this: US does not want to attack Iran, however if Israel does attack Iran then the US will be automatically be involved that has been said during the last meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Obama.
Because Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel must choose its own fate and do its own actions to serve its national security and he hinted to a possible attack if deemed necessary and Obama agreed to that saying that Israels national security is a top priority to the US as well and they will ALWAYS have Israels back.
It has been covered by at least 50 news agencies from around the it.
What are diplomatics “executed the way they should be executed”?
Diplomatic actions have been taken and steps have been made and other diplomatic actions are in progress, attacking Iran would disrupt that and will complicate things beyond repair.
And so far the US and Israel are accusing Iran of many things but so far no proof has been handed out, while in the mean time they demand a whole list of things that Iran must change or else.......
While Iran's words are being totally overruled...even if Iran is telling the truth (Not saying they are not and not saying they are) but there is no way they could clear their name without losing....
How about the US shows its evidence and Israel shows its evidence and then you may demand......Instead of pointing fingers and call upon the world to punish a country in this case Iran.
What i mean with have diplomatics do its thing is by lay ur card on the table and meet eye to eye.
The statement “Israel symbolically held Obama hostage by calculating US support if Israeli military actions turn out not the way they would like” would be editorializing by a reporter, not reporting
You might wanna read this piece from
Reuters News Agency
Not trying to be disrespectful towards you buddy, its just that as has been said everyone is looking trough a western scope upon the problem.
But none is even considering Iran's point of view.
Yes they have said really stupid things and yes that does make them very hated and untrustworthy i will not deny that.
But other then lose words they have done nothing major, but they are being punished in a ever increasing way for a crime they YET have to commit.
Iran has the sovereign right to advance their nation like everyone else, they have the sovereign right to defend their national security and they have the sovereign right to issue their case to the world.
But that right has been taken away for a large part, why would they agree to any demand made by the west as not a single demand is agreed upon that Iran did request?
Simple put Iran with all its BS talks and actions might be as corrupt as hell, but attacking them as a sovereign nation without any legal reason is a act of war and pure in the self interest of the attacker who already knows that it will get what it wants.
So what makes Israels right to defend their national security more pressing then that of Iran?
And why must Iran bend to Israels demands while its own demands are just cleaned of the table?
Why must the discussion being a one way thing?
Please forgive me for saying this but Israel (right or wrong) cannot play this game, and if they choose to do so then they should accept the fact that they will be served with the same in return.
But obviously thats not a option specially with the US backing them.
So who can blame Iran for shutting the door and perhaps considering the option to say: Hey we are being accused of making a bomb, and we are being punished for it as well, and now we might even be attacked for it.....we might as well make that damn bomb and get it over with....
But ill guess i am just a crazy person here .....
Cheers buddy