Russia also has some kind of electronic equipment ( I forgot its name) that send out decoy signals to confuse/fool incoming anti-radiation or cruise missiles. A few of those equipment to protect anti-aircraft missile systems would also be needed.
It called Gazetchik-E (or 34Ya6E) and it is usually hoked up with Gamma DE radar, so as soon it detect Anti radar missile, it shot down radar it defend and start to popping up decoys as crazy.
It is highly unlikely to have surveillance radar in every S 300 battalion (that is option it can be done in war time if you want independent battalion). Surveillance radar goes to regiment level (which consist of 2-6 battalions, but generally you need at least 3 or 4 of them). Regiment also have command unit, Baikal (73N6ME) (you must have it), already mentioned 64N6 or 96L6E Lira and 76N6 or “Kasta-2E2” (39N6E), Gazetichik ofc, and “Nebo-SVU” (1L119) radar which job is to detect stealth planes. But Russian SAM don't have fixed formation, radars are plugged in based on mission and customers desire. 64N6 or 96L6E and Baikal (73N6ME) are enough to system work properly, other radars are there to fill up blanks (like low flying or stelth targets).
Battalion have 30N6-1 FCS radar and 4-12 TEL (each with 4 missiles). It can aim 6 targets at once with 2 missiles on each (so planes can't outmaneuver both). Russian using 8 TELs, Chinese 6 TELs, and every customer can buy as much TELs as he want. But it seems that with each TEL goes 24 missiles, and each cost 1M $, so most customer buy 4 or 6 TELs. My guess is that radar cost around 20 M $.
And S 300V have completely different formation
