Re: IA Pictures
Here are some more pics of the Indo-US exercises at the Counter Insurcency and Jungle Warfare School in Mizoram:
Indian army officer Col. P.S. Sanwal (R) talks with US army commander in training David Alan Wisecarver during an Indo-US army exercise in the Indian state of Mizoram,06 April 2004. Some 100 US army infantry soldiers and 120 Indian troops took part in training of unconventional battle tactics during the exercise organised by the Indian army's Counter Insurgency Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS).
Indian army soldiers patrol in the jungle during a Indo-US army exercise in the Indian state of Mizoram,06 April 2004. Some 100 US army infantry soldiers and 120 Indian troops took part in training of unconventional battle tactics during the exercise organised by the Indian army's Counter Insurgency Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS).
In this picture taken 06 April 2004, A US infantry soldier (C) gives a traditional Indian 'Nameste' greeting to Indian soldiers during a Indo-US army exercise at the Indian army's Counter Insurgency Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS), at Vairengete, in the north-eastern Indian state of Mizoram. Indian military officials announced 21 August 2004, that some eleven countries including France, Uzbekistan and Italy, are seeking permission to have soldiers trained in combatting low-intensity guerilla warfare at the school.
US army infantry soldier Elton Williams (C) hugs Indian soldier Sivaram (L) after they took part in firing practice during an Indo-US army exercise in the Indian state of Mizoram,06 April 2004. Some 100 US army infantry soldiers and 120 Indian troops took part in training of unconventional battle tactics during the exercise organised by the Indian army's Counter Insurgency Jungle Warfare School (CIJWS).