India To Buy Mirage 2000-5 Aircraft From Qatar


Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
Sq No.15 said:
Well ,

If i am not wrong , If i have plane which is also for the testing purpose and for R&D purpose , do i need lot of amount and infrastaructures ?

Well if one country bough one plane , do that take lot of Infastructre ? please , if you be spacific what type of infrastaructure you are talking about ?
Suppose India imports an Eurofighter for testing purpose

1. Training for pilot

2. Training a ground crew

3. Intergration of weapon system

5. Fitting the jet's role into your command structure

These are the basic things you must have in place in order for the jets to be operational. It's never easy to bring a new type of fighter into your inventory.


New Member

I find it ironic you talk about the bedouin (arabs of the tribe)
not bedoon (people living without status in arab land)

I am a bedouin arab, (banu hillal) my father was the last generation to live in a tent,to herd animals and to live a semi nomadic pastoral lifestyle.

Its personally insulting for you to call us theives
and desert raiders.

There are no Pakistani Troops in Yemen.

We the bedouin unlike our felahin and quratani brothers remember our lineage , live simply and live by a spirit of honor and hospitality.

When you call us a desert people, you mean we are poor, there is no bedouin so poor as to forget to give in charity, to take in the stranger at one doorstep.

It is not the bedouin who enslaves young boys from india pakistan and bengladesh starves them and makes them ride horses and camels.

it is not the bedouin who walks proudly upon this earth.


New Member
Originally posted by adsH:
This is what happens when you don't have competent Rulers in-charge (no democracy) i.e. the Qataranions could of chosen not to sell to India instead could of sold the jets to someone else, but this is how Qatar handles diplomatic relations. Pakistan has put a brave face on for the world (shows diplomacy)

To be honest Pakistan isn’t really that democratic is it? When was the last election held fairly? U call Qatar not democratic but then again civil rule in Pakistan is pretty much dead since your general made him self president in 1999 and dissolve the parliament ... not in any text book is that a guide line to democracy... my point is don’t diss a country about their political and civil issues when yours is pretty much the same for a country where most of its population is living on the border of the poverty line, you are really arrogant...

This is defence forum not a political forum so shove that stuff out... I didn’t want to write this but I had to. Cause I am sick to read a post about fighters that turns into some political, racial issue.


Troll Hunter
Staff member
This is defence forum not a political forum so shove that stuff out... I didn’t want to write this but I had to. Cause I am sick to read a post about fighters that turns into some political, racial issue.
Thank You, now everyone get back to the topic!!!

Sq No.15

Banned Member
Pathfinder-X said:
Sq No.15 said:
Well ,

If i am not wrong , If i have plane which is also for the testing purpose and for R&D purpose , do i need lot of amount and infrastaructures ?

Well if one country bough one plane , do that take lot of Infastructre ? please , if you be spacific what type of infrastaructure you are talking about ?
Suppose India imports an Eurofighter for testing purpose

1. Training for pilot

2. Training a ground crew

3. Intergration of weapon system

5. Fitting the jet's role into your command structure

These are the basic things you must have in place in order for the jets to be operational. It's never easy to bring a new type of fighter into your inventory.
Well i think you miss understood me completely , I means purchasing these jets mearly to access about it and its capability and not fitting these into your front line planes

I think you hardly find any country which uses same system which also its enemy uses it.