fyi their is larger oil and gas reserves off the west coast of Scotland than their ever was in the North Sea at it's peak ... a geological survey was done in the mid 1990s off the west coast of Scotland including the firth of Clyde ... now how would Scotland's defence forces look like if we vote yes 8.4% of the UK makes up 9.9% of the UK taxes (kinda blows away the subsidy junkies myth) the UK currently has 6 type 45 destroyers, 12 type 23 frigates and will have 2 QE2nd class carriers by 2016 ... so that is basically 70% of a type 45 and 1 and 1/4 type 23 and 20% of a QE2nd carrier as an example of some of the navy hardware ... now how can that work you say ..... that is when the negotiations come into play with bartering at a top level ie for that 20% of a carrier we will give you a type 45, the naval forces inherited by Scotland could look like this 1 astute class sub, 1 Trafalgar class sub, 1 type 45 Destroyer and 2 type 23 frigates (remember their is 2 lpds and 1 LPH and other large vessels) 1 mine sweeper and 1 mine hunter and 2 patrol boats and the same system will be used with the RAF and Army hardware, last year a audit was done on the UK military hardware it stood at £88 billion Scotland would be entitled to something like £8.5 billion .... the Scottish taxpayers pay £3.7 billion per year towards the UK armed forces so I think you will find we will be able to maintain the equipment that we receive.
I've seen a lot of grumbling about where the nuclear deterrent should go and how much it would cost to remove it from faslane, well maybe successive UK governments brought this dilemma on themselves, they were told from the start that Scots did not want nuclear weapons on our soil they ignored this and still put Trident in our country, Westminster put them in our country against the wishes of the people so it is only fitting that Westminster removes these weapons from our soil at their expense ... why should we pay to remove a system we never wanted in the first place
Well when they build some rigs in the West, it might make sense to have a base there, but until then it just looks like keeping the good people of Faslane on board.
I don't think much of the UK kit makes sense for an independent Scotland, certainly not the SSNs, as they are nuclear. As mentioned Scotland needs to look at what place it want's to have in the world.... I assume is just the odd peace keeping battalion, which is what far to many countries think is an acceptable contribution to international peace and security.
I have been working in Ireland for about 8 months and despite the challenges of the Eurozone, from what I can see, devolved government work has worked over the past 20 years. I am increasingly moving to the camp that independence would be financially better for Scottish, and the rest of the UK. But I think it is naïve to think the UK will keep the yards on the Clyde & Rosyth in business with heavily subsidised orders.
Equally HMNB Clyde is a very generous facility for even the current activity, there are c5,000 personnel onsite. The UK would probably save money consolidating to an existing facility, even if it had to moved the giant syncrolift. I can't see anything like that number for a few OPVs and maybe a couple of Frigates.
I don't think any of these are issues to an independent Scotland, I just wish the SNP would be a bit more honest, than saying there will be no change in jobs.