I already put 1.96 megawatt solar panel on walrus.With 8 second charge period,the walrus can fire a full burst of 14.4 megajoule sshcl.its endurance might be a week to a month without fuel resupply,if it use cells to save acquired solar energy.
The original and realistic purpose of Aeros's walrus is big heavy lift airship which transport tanks,troopers,helicopters to the frontline area.Land and release this cargo for combat.If You have visited their website and downloaded and watched the walrus's demonstrade vedio.Hence walrus is designed to work very close to frontline,i would like to try to arm it.
i heard walrus project and other airship company's heavy lift airship project is paused.It is said that they are too expensive than cargo ship,and too slow than cargo aircraft.Indeed it is.i can't deny this weakness.
Another ture and realistic operation is isis radar airship,which carry giant x-band radar.designed to detect cruise missile from 600km away,and ground troopers from 300km away,from 18-20km height.Still,this giant isis radar airship is not designed for combat purpose.
The hindenburg is indeed too slow,speed 135km/hr.the Aeros ML speed 278km/hr.it is still 87km/hr slower than ah-64 apache's 365km/hr.But,hence walrus can carry so many weapons,18 800kw sshcl,48 dual 20mm cannon,240 maverick and 240 mk84.
It doesn't matter that much if slower. So o far as i see iraq insurgent news,i guess no insurgent force can stand against 1 walrus.They are all small groups who set bomb traps and ambush American ranger' by surprise.
The walrus is not likely to be ambushed.
It could load 20-30 Infrared Acquisition and Designation System or Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared.And let 20-30 airship crew keep looking and observeing the ground.And You can let another 20 airship crew use HGU-55/P or AN/AVS-7 for alert.
With 1L13 radar,i guess,it can detect f-117 at 66km and f-22 at 51.6km.But f-117 and f-22 is on the same side with walrus.Why would they attack walrus?As i know,none iraq or iran airborne unit or aircraft is stealth.
If 1 walrus patrol around iraq hostile insurgent area.i wonder if those insurgent would dare to attack.if they initiate an ambush and reveal themself to walrus,they will be bombed and squashed in few minutes.Because 1 walrus carry 10 times,270t projection weapons than b-52 stratofortress's 27t projection weapons.
even with 18 800kw sshcl and 48 2400rpm 20mm cannon is not counted.
And the insurgent can't hit and run.Few car can reach 278km/hr.Unless they have dragster or race car.
I think,hence walrus is extremly armed.it might even be capable to lead the possible strike on iran.With so many projection weapon and defensive turret.It doesn't matter if its is not stealth or blitz aircraft.
But sshcl is just demonstraded at 2007.2.It is a vital weapon for walrus.
Only with sshcl the walrus could neutralize enemy missiles or shells.
Who knows when it can be put on a walrus?
And the walrus project itself is paused,too.