I understand. But just wanted to introduce a note of caution. For instance, the IAFs per type flying hours, depending on aircraft type and pilot (greenhorn (rookie), junior (flt lt,sq ldr), midranking (wingco), senior (GC)..) can vary between 150- 250 hrs/annually, even more...IISS says 180, and 240 for PAF, which as we know recently admitted that its pilots were at 9 hrs/mnth and is stabilizing at 15 sorties/mnth now. All in all IISS apparently went by rumint on the internet rather than some dogged checking up with mil attaches & the like.
Test pilots who are often deputed to HAL & elsewhere can pull obscene hours, a TP at HAL used to pull 360 hours/ yr minimum per his recollection across a dozen aircraft types! That apart, pure flying hours are not the panacea...what matters is what proportion is spent training in what. For instance, arguably, a pilot at a frontline squadron could have got more "combat run up" or equivalent as to aforesaid pilot as he spent his time training, while the TP spent his checking out specific attributes of specific aircraft.