Hamas-Israeli War 2023


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After Hamas's many efforts to shut down the humanitarian corridor between north and south Gaza, including by shooting fleeing civilians, the IDF opened it up again. Worth seeing how else Hamas may try to sabotage it. Right now Hamas has a clear goal of keeping as many civilians in north Gaza as possible, to slow down Israel's advance.

New footage from October 7th of policemen rescuing a 6 year old girl and her 3 year old sister. She was incredibly mature for her age given the situation. Their mother was dead in the front seat.

That's probably my favorite fake death so far:
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Shortly after the war began, tens of thousands of Israeli civilians volunteered to supply frontline troops with warm meals everyday. Israel is a very multicultural nation and its culinary scene is rich. However, not everyone will necessary appreciate all that's on offer. The Druze apparently dislike coriander which is prevalent in Mizrahi (arab Jews) cuisine. So what did they do? They just invented a new religious law that bans eating and cooking with coriander.


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Post 3 of 6: The 6 unspoken phases of Operation Swords of Iron

10. The IDF has allowed some embeds of the press, where Israeli troops have cut-off access into Gaza city, in anticipation of the next phase of battle. Israel is not only battling against Hamas but also 12 armed militant groups. Fog of war ensures that progress on the ground offensive is not clear. It has been reported that heavy clashes between the IDF and militant groups like Hamas, PIJ & other militant groups are taking place in the Sultan neighbourhood of Beit Lahia.
(a) The Palestinian death toll in Gaza has now topped 10,000 people, according to the Hamas’ health ministry. The Hamas-controlled ministry doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants, but says that some 70% of the recorded fatalities are women and children — keeping in mind that young Hamas militants below 18 years old killed in fighting are listed “children”, killed by Israel.​
(b) The images from Gaza are heartbreaking and caused by the choices made by Hamas. The minute Hamas gives up the hostages and surrenders, this is all over. At this point, even if there is a legal justification for each and every airstrike in Gaza, this conflict has been catastrophic for the people of Gaza. Norway has said that the if total harm was ad bellum disproportionate, then certain specific actions likely violated international human rights law — but Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Likudniks do not care at this time.​
(c) I have seen videos where members of PIJ fire mortars at IDF troops in northern and southern Gaza. Some are dressed in civilian clothing, and IDF drones are clearly audible. Israel opened a corridor for Gaza civilians seeking refuge to pass safely to the southern part of the strip, all while Hamas repeatedly fires mortar shells.​
(d) I also note that the duty to protect civilians is not just an Israeli responsibility. We have been shown proof by the IDF that Hamas tunnels lead into hospitals & they are shooting at the IDF from hospitals in Gaza.​
11. For years the Hamas-led Joint Operations Room (JOR) has been touting coordination between Palestinian factions. Since Oct. 7, we have not heard a peep from the JOR. This makes me suspect that the JOR was all a ruse. Recently, the IDF have also located several rocket launchers and some 50 rockets, located in a compound used by a youth movement and a mosque.
(a) As the soldier explains in the video, the missiles were built in a way that allowed for them to be fired from inside the mosque! This shows once more Hamas’ blatant disregard for international law. It repeatedly abuses civilian infrastructure for terrorism.
(b) Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari reveals intelligence showing Hamas's use of medical facilities in the Gaza Strip for terror purposes. Video shows militants shooting from a hospital.​
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Post 4 of 6: The 6 unspoken phases of Operation Swords of Iron

12. King Abdullah II, King of Jordan, announced the airdrop of medical and humanitarian aid and medicines to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza to enable it to continue its efforts. The Jordanian airdrop in Gaza: "A senior Israeli official quoted by the Walla news site also said the operation had been coordinated with and approved by Israel."

13. The IDF’s rate of advance is better that expected and even the amount of causalities is lower than expected, when fighting an enemy with such an extensive tunnel system.
(a) Hamas “is surprisingly not good at resisting,” said Spencer. In Operation Swords of Iron, the current IDF death toll is 35. In the more limited Operation Protective Edge in 2014, 2 weeks in, IDF death toll was 56.​
(b) “I’m surprised by how well the ground invasion seems to be going,” Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, told the publication. “It seems to be going smoothly, progressing slowly. There has been no major mishap so far.”​
(c) Soon a 2nd IDF division will enter the fight in Gaza. That’s when the fighting will get more serious. The fighting to exterminate Hamas in their tunnels, will go on for a few more months — the IDF needs is more time to conduct their declared mission.​
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Post 5 of 6: The 6 unspoken phases of Operation Swords of Iron

14. What ordinary Gazans feel about Hamas's attack on Israel: "When I saw what happened I was very angry... Ending Hamas is the demand of young and old in Gaza."
(a)"In the bloody arithmetic of Hamas leaders, the carnage is not the regrettable outcome of a big miscalculation...“I hope the state of war w/Israel becomes permanent on all borders & that the Arab world stands with us,” a Hamas media adviser said.​
(b) The anti-semitism of pro-Hamas supporters and islamophobia of the Israeli right-wing needs to stop. We need to see each other as humans, with a right to life.​

15. As Dr Charles Knight noted, “the presence of civilians in urban war zones imposes moral and ethical challenges. They suffer disproportionately & catastrophically, both as immediate casualties and from displacement and disease following the destruction of cities.”

16. Military commanders also face a proportionality dilemma when it comes to interpreting international humanitarian law. They need to balance the necessity of their actions and the survival of soldiers against causing unintended but foreseeable civilian harm.

17. The US, Israel, Egypt, & the Palestinian Authority all know that Hamas plan to use ambulances to move fighters. 1/3 of the list of wounded Palestinians to be evacuated was from Hamas. After a delay, Hamas relented & let 76 wounded Palestinian civilians leave Gaza for treatment.
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Post 6 of 6: The 6 unspoken phases of Operation Swords of Iron

18. BBC might want to call Saudi news channel Al-Arabiya to keep up to speed on the truth about the Shifa Hospital and the Hamas tunnel complex that is beneath. Even Saudi TV knows that the leaders of Hamas are cowards hiding under a hospital.
(a) A commentator on the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel said during a broadcast, in which a map of Gaza is shown: "This area that is under the Shifa Hospital is the central command centre of the leadership of the Hamas organization."​
(b) Hamas lied & said they killed Israeli combatants only. Nasrallah lied & said that after 7 Oct 2023, Hamas had killed and kidnapped Israeli military, a confused and disoriented Israel sent its police and army and massacred its own Israelis to frame Hamas.​
(c) In Mosul, a US-supported Iraqi force of about 100,000 took 9 months to destroy an ISIS force of thousands in a thoroughly fortified city. The coalition lost 8,000 troops & many tanks and bulldozers to massive IEDs.​
(d) The problem of civilian deaths in military operations is not new. They were, are, and will be a part of war. That is why war is so horrible and when engaged, in must be won, & won quickly. I urge Hamas to surrender & release all hostages, instead of prolonging the suffering of the civilians in Gaza.​
19. Footage from Sderot on Oct 7. Hamas terrorists approach the car of Odaya Swisa, a mother and her two children, Romi, age 6, & Lia, age 3. The Hamas terrorists murder Odaya. Romi is left to care for Lia & was later rescued by police.

20. On 7 Oct 2023, these 4 Israeli Arab men from the Arab Bedouin-Israeli town of Rahat demonstrate what co-existence & love of country regardless of religion or ethnicity should look like!
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IDF is currently forming a new armor battalion based on Merkava 3 tanks that were destined to be scrapped. This is a welcome move, the IDF is at a critical point as it downsizes significantly over the years. At the moment, it has less than 1,000 tanks across the active and reserve units.

IDF Tanks are guarding the humanitarian corridor:

Like any UN agency that is not an armed/peace-keeping force, employees are local. However, as is standard across all UN institutions, there are no background checks. Imagine if humanitarian aid in Somalia was distributed by Al Qaeda operatives with UN uniforms.

After the war ends, it is likely Israel will demand the removal of UNRWA. While some of its personnel have spoken against Hamas and subsequently silenced, far too many of its personnel have been caught cooperating with or praising Hamas:
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Entire 252nd armored division now operating in Gaza.

It contains the 12th and 16th infantry brigades, the 10th and 14th armored brigades, and the 454th artillery brigade.

Their armored brigades use Merkava 3 tanks, and judging by the fact Mark 3 were guarding the humanitarian corridor, it is safe to assume they are the ones enforcing the buffer zone between the north and south Gaza.

OSINT-based IDF operational map as of Nov 6th:


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Report finds AP, CNN, NYT staff complicit in the atrocities committed on October 7th:

According to the report, the press was likely at the very least prepositioned for the event and failed to report to their employers about their actions.
Their staff have recorded themselves entering Israeli territory, an illegal action without a permit. Some were seen without any press identifiers, i.e. appearing as civilians, which therefore raises the possibility that some of them took part in the genocide itself. It is unlikely, but given that they removed their identifiers, it cannot be ruled out.

I am unfamiliar with 'HonestReporting' and I'm not fond of news sites that don't publish the names of their journalists, but they do provide visual evidence and seem to go sufficiently in depth into the topic. If this report is true, some measures will have to be taken.

The first thought that comes to mind is how this will affect the protected status of press inside Gaza. Those who came into Israel were legitimate military targets, as well as those who managed to return into Gaza, at least up until their return. Those who did not participate are still protected. But will those who entered, be considered legitimate military targets in the future as well?

Their website is currently under a DDoS attack, in case you're having trouble accessing it.
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UN OCHA Palestinian casualty count includes Hamas terrorists killed by the IDF inside Israel. I think this is the closest to a confirmation we'll get to the UN intentionally counting Hamas as civilians. They have also omitted the 240 hostages held in Gaza.
In previous wars and operations, the UN's numbers have been widely quoted and were at best controversial. This admission invalidates all previous counts as well as the current and future ones.
As of today, Hamas still insists it did not suffer any casualties.

Attaching screenshot just in case they delete it, as they often eventually do:
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Clashes continue in Jenin (J&S). See how the "medic" grabs the terrorist's rifle instead of carrying him to safety. Seems Palestinian photographers are no longer trying to hide how "medics" are actually just terrorists in disguise. This has been one point in which Palestinians were often given the benefit of the doubt, and the IDF was mostly under scrutiny for allegations of targeting medics.

My 2 cents? It seems for Palestinian terrorist factions it's a no holds barred situation. Every cynical use of human life, every act of depravity, every hateful intention - is shown for the world to see. Hamas, PIJ, UN, they all seem to believe this is an all out war and their supporters abroad believe so too. This probably explains the massive spike in recorded antisemitic incidents as well.

Footage from the Indonesian hospital in Jabalia shows what is likely bunker busters - indicated by pillars of fire - hitting underground infrastructure around the hospital:

At the same time, IDF is reportedly closing in on Shifa. It is highly likely that due to the large concentration of civilians as well as Hamas fighters in the area, the IDF will take its time. The humanitarian corridor runs along the eastern road, but Shifa is on the western part of the area of operations.
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Can you elaborate on how this shows that they were hiding militants? To be clear, the fact that Israel struck a target does not prove that militants were there. Israel is not infallible, mistaken strikes do happen.
Yes, I edited to add context.
The ground seems to be caved in which is typical for tunnel collapses, rather than cratered. When a munition impacts and creates a crater, it displaces ground, inflicts burn damage, and sends shrapnel, none of which are visible here.


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Yes, I edited to add context.
The ground seems to be caved in which is typical for tunnel collapses, rather than cratered. When a munition impacts and creates a crater, it displaces ground, inflicts burn damage, and sends shrapnel, none of which are visible here.
Perfect, that provides the missing analysis. Thank you.


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IDF troops in Hamas's legislative council building.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari giving a short live tour in the Rantisi children's hospital between Jabalia and Rimal. He shows a tunnel entrance just near the hospital, and later enters the hospital's basement where he shows evidence of Hamas holding hostages there. Babies are believed to be among the hostages, and the presence of baby bottles supports this.
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Post 1 of 3: The idea of peace is a far off dream

1. The confirmation of the death of Vivian Silver, a Canadian- Israeli peace activist & leader of Women Wage Peace, makes the idea of peace a far off dream. Meanwhile, the IDF also said it has weakened 10 out of 24 Hamas battalions in the Gaza Strip.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari giving a short live tour in the Rantisi children's hospital between Jabalia and Rimal. He shows a tunnel entrance just near the hospital, and later enters the hospital's basement where he shows evidence of Hamas holding hostages there. Babies are believed to be among the hostages, and the presence of baby bottles supports this.
2. If you look at the replies & quotes to the video, the IDF’s external facing propaganda is not working on even neutrals — the way the video at Rantisi children's hospital, is cut raises more questions. The IDF needs to improve its external facing comms, as neutrals cannot accept such a sloppy job as evidence.

3. Given that Israel has an inherent credibility problem due to the antics of Netanyahu, Smotrich, Itamar Ben-Gvir, & gang, no one who is interested in facts is going to blindly believe the IDF spokesperson’s poorly put together video without extensive clarification. Thanks to own goals scored by team Netanyahu, Israel is losing the battle of the narrative in media spaces globally. The longer his gang stays, the faster the ship sinks. Ultimately, it is the Israeli public that need to decide the fate of its own politicians. Israel’s policies do not present well.

4. @Big_Zucchini, please address some of the points raised by pro-Palestinian supporters about the hole being a lift shaft at the Rantisi children's hospital.

5. The IDF sent representatives to the family of Noa Marciano, after Hamas published a video of her earlier this evening which shows her body. In this case, Hamas murdered Noa Marciano, a young woman they kept hostage for 38 days.

(a) “Hamas continues to use psychological terror and behaves inhumanely, through videos and photos of hostages, as it has done in the past.”​
(b) Bring them home.​
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Post 2 of 3: The idea of peace is a far off dream

6. The IDF says there are signs that hostages were held at this location. Rope near the legs of a chair, a baby bottle and improvised living quarters. Further, the IDF has clarified that it is not just the days of the week in Arabic. The calendar at Rantisi children's hospital is marked, days since October 7 Massacre with the title “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”, Hamas’ name for their horrific attack on Israel.

7. It has also been reported by David Ignatius that Israel and Hamas are nearing a deal to release nearly all Israeli women and children hostages. In exchange, there would be a ~5 day ceasefire. Israel would also release a similar number of Palestinian women and young people from prison. But again, I am not sure if a deal can be done.