I appreciate Pingu's statement above and find myself agreeing ......
Having served in an Armoured Recce role in the Canadian Armoured Corps I have disagreed with the role shifts that I have seen occuring in the CF's and apparently within the UK as well.
At one point the Armoured Recce role was heavily defined and the tactics employed by the CF were in absolute agreement with the British model. Fast, lightly armoured / armed small tracked vehicles operating in small troops. The USA has traditionally employed a Recon by force system..employing larger numbers of and more hevily armoured and armed vehicles......the whole "sneak and peek" vs. the "when we get shot at" theories......
In the CF we had employed the "Lynx" system based on the m113...as did Belgium...aluminum armour, lightly armed with a .50 HMG and then a C5 7.62 MG...a three man crew and relied on visual identification through rapid deployment and cautious dismounted patroling...the UK employed the Scimitar in a very simular manner.
Canadian thought changed and the attitude of "heavy Armour" started to dwindle, reducing the operational need for the smaller , lighter quick "recce" vehicles...as the Lynx was releaved of duty and replaced with the wheeled and much taller ( silouette) wheeled "Coyote" series of the 8x8 LAV II family the reliance on technology increased signifigantly...Radar, Thermal /NV telescoping cameras etc....the basic function of the "recce" changed......and the foreseen "Need" of even heavy Armour (Leopard 1's) faced serious questions....being foreseen to be replaced by the LAV series ( even after the dismal "success" of the previous AVGP series 6x6's ( Cougar, Grizzly and Husky)
Operational needs found in Afgan. really hit home and Canada has acquired some 120 leopard 2's in various versions from Germany and the Dutch ( Used for sure...BUT a HUGE step up in our abilities). I foresee that the experiences in Afganistan will also highlight the inifectiveness of the LAV II's for their " intended" roles......what I can see is going to be a resergence in small fast , more heavily armed TRACKED vehicles to actually take up the role of Armoured Recce again.....
I have serious doubts about the entire concept ( from any country) to simply use "role variants" of any one vehicle to accomplish effectively specific tasks...... regardless of how good they may be at another role.......
I see the ASCOD and the Warriors as being unsuitable for the Recce role as they are both far to large, incorperate an abundance of space that is uneccessary for the recce role.....and simply present far to large a "Target", both literally as well as radar etc......
I believe having done Armoured Recce for years is that a "simular" concept to the Scimitar/Scorpion that incorperates all the newer tech. without all the bulk and size would stand the tests in a far superior manner than what is currently being offered.....
Granted, I am NOT an expert nor do I spend all my time "analyzing" papers and stats....I 'm simply a retired "Zipper head" Armoured Crewman that drove around DOING Armoured Recce...so perhaps I'm a dinosaur....BUT when it comes to actually seeing some of these short comings ( and I hear alot from deployed friends in Afganistan...all home now..thankfully) in the "new way " of thinking......makes one wonder who actaully designs and "studies" these things..cause it sure isn't the troops that need to use them.........
well all that said.....I hope more level heads prevail......in the UK anyway and maybe see a new generation of Scimitar / Sabre concept developed and employed.......and stop "shoe horning" designs into fitting ( poorly) too many roles.....
Bless the Armoured Recce.."the glory of 18 seconds"...some may understand that.....lol