COMPLETELY AGREEYeah I'm scared for the Navy as well. Do they need 11 carriers? Yes.
Do they need more DDG-51 destroyers/cruisers? Yes.
Do they need more Virginia class attack subs and 12 SSBN(X)? Yes.
Do they need 60 LCS? No, those need to be canceled IMO.
if the navy had a choice between LCS and Carriers, Virginia class and DDG-51 i think we all know what they would choose because they are proven!
no pretty soon since we do not have the navy and air force as much in Iraq and Afghanistan where jusdt going to stop buying the best fighters for the air force we are going to stop procuring the best ships for the navy and essentially we are going to screw our selfs over if anyone other than a terrorist gain a little back bone.I thought building 1 carrier every 5 years was more economically sustainable according to Gates, now its too expensive? Gates is too much of a wish washy politician that makes me nervous as hell. He changes his mind way too much like when he cut the F-22 for more F-35s now he cuts the F-35 buy through 2015, I don't like him one bit.