Fighter Speed


New Member
thats not completely true jaffo. Mostly all of the F-22's capabilites are far better than the typhoons. and there is no way that the f-22 ways detected first by the typhoon at BVR because the raptor has a great LPI. the f-22 has a much better radar and combat radius than the typhoon.

not only that, but the raptor also has the better stealth technology and intercept range. i'm not saying in any way that the typhoon is a bad jet, because its one of the best. but what i am saying is that the capabilites and skills of the f-22 are more enhanced than the typhoons.

perhaps you'd like to back up your claims with some evidence.this isnt a playground for people to back their national favourite without some hard facts....


New Member
perhaps you'd like to back up your claims with some evidence.this isnt a playground for people to back their national favourite without some hard facts....
Well you could set the example by posting sources for the raptor being detected at BVR ranges and the Typhoon being more maneuverable.

Especially since if what you say is true the Raptor was a nice way of a couple hundred billion in US Taxpayer dollar.

Then the fact, that the AESA radar on the F-15 cant detect the F-22, so...


New Member
perhaps you'd like to back up your claims with some evidence.this isnt a playground for people to back their national favourite without some hard facts....
i dont need any evidence, i already shut u down. you're the one giving me false info about the f-22 being detected by the typhoon at bvr.


New Member
perhaps you'd like to back up your claims with some evidence.this isnt a playground for people to back their national favourite without some hard facts....
Thats a little hyprocritical.

It doesn't take a rocket sceientist to know that the F-22 has better stealth and a higher powered/more advanced radar than the Eurofighter. No need to provide evidence when its common knowledge.

The Eurofighter in my opinion has a better chance against the F-22 than any other fighter. Though it will still most likely get slaughtered with a pretty horrific kill ratio.

Ozzy Blizzard

New Member
i dont intend to start a typhoon v f22 discussion on this thread(again) but my point is that i have yet to see any evidence in any publication of any proven capabilities over the typhoon by the f22 but in contrast i have read of the typhoon proving to be more manoeverable during close combat exercises when the two recently met in the u.s and that this was pretty much an accepted fact by both sides......
If your refering to the Typhoon pilot who seemed pretty chuffed at an interview after this years red flag, i believe he never said he actually got a lock and defeated the F22 in WVR but that the Typhoon held its own, meaning at low speeds it was slightly more manuverable, and given the slightly lower wing loading and lower weight i dont see this as suprising. However just because the Typhoon can turn quicker doesnt mean it won in WVR, the F22 would hold the energy advantage in all engagements. Better TWR & lewr drag ensure that.

in addition the f22 was detected by the captor radar of the typhoon at bvr which was a surprise to the f22 pilot!.what i dont know,obviously,is the circumstances during which it occurred.......
Well the circumstances are pretty important. See theres a very big difference between getting a fleeting return for a second that you could call a detection and getting good unbroken rutrns that definatly tell you somethings out there, and the really important bit is getting accurate range, altitude bearing and heading data, or a track that can be used for a BVR missile shot. Now i'm haing a hard time belieing that the Captor pulse doplar radar, that isnt all that powerfull could achieve a track on a F22 at BVR, when big AESA's like the APG 63(v)2 cant do it. Getting a slight return for a second seems alot more likely to me. Now compare this to the F/A 22's APG 77 AESA which is arguably the most capable fighter radar system flying at the moment with competition from the APG 79. Public data states that the APG 77 can detect and track a 1M2 target at 110NM's with good LPI. I know the Typhoon has low RCS but 1M2 is pretty small. Chances are in a BVR encounter that the F22 detected and tracked the Typhoon, and depending on which AMRAAM they were supposed to be fireing fired before the Typhoon even knew they were there. Simply "detecting" the F/A 22 at BVR is no match for the APG 77's capabilities.


New Member
hey,no need to be so tetchy guys (although i dont agree that 'common knowledge' is a substitute for facts or we would still believe that the world is flat and that witches need dunking in rivers)

anyway,heres the source of my 'outlandish' stmts;

''Just got a copy of International Air Power Review, Volume 20. It has an excellent article on the Eurofighter Typhoon and the real surprise came for me while reading the second page of the article (page 45 of the magazine). Typhoon has deployed to the US for tests by the Operational Evaluation Unit (OEU), presumably from England. In skirmishes with the F-22A, the Typhoon dominated the Within Visual Range engagements and apparently this really didn't surprise anyone because Typhoon is known for having outstanding agility. When it scored a radar lock on the F-22A at Beyond Visual Range, that caused quite a stir.''

i presume that the typhoon in question hadn't already been knocked out by the f22 when the lock took place(or it surely wouldn't still be trying to obtain a lock) and as such it clearly held an advantage over the f22 at that point.........
i.e it could now utilize amraam to take out the f22 at medium range or it would quickly degenerate into a wvr engagement during which the typhoon holds the cards with its superior agility'

now there is no way that the f22 is a waste of taxpayers money ,its just that its superiority over the typhoon is much overstated.they are obviously very,very closely matched indeed.

the fact is that the f22 and the typhoon are going to be serving together in future conflicts and that can only be a good thing for allied forces and very bad for the opposition....

oh and by the way,ozzy blizzard,typhoons didn't attend red flag this year and havent participated in the exercise yet...cant wait till they do tho! typhoon vid typhoon vid raptor vid
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