Heres a list of Russia ships. note that an aircraft carrier is said to be in developmentcontedicavour said:Where did you get this news on a carrier being built for Russia ??![]()
Their last one sails once a year, the Gorshkov is being transformed into real CV for India, and the only shipyard capable of building the largest aircraft carriers is in the Ukraine !! So I don't think there is a chance Russia will build a carrier at least in the next 10 years.
Manpower - 161,000
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SSBN: 14 (3 building)
SSGN: 8 (1 building?)
SSN: 15 (1 building)
Conventional Submarines: 20 (2 building)
Auxillary Submarines: 7
Surface Ships
Aircraft Carriers (CV): 1 (1 in developpment)
Battlecruisers (BCGN): 2 (1 in reserve) (Cruiser Nakhimov returned to service in 2005)
Cruisers (CG): 3 (2 ships in reserve re-building)
Destroyers (DDG): 15 (2 ships building, 1 ship re-building)
Frigates (FFG): 11 (5 ships building)
Light Frigates (FFL): 45
Missile Corvettes (FSG): 41
Patrol Boats (PCF): 21
Patrol hydrofoils (PTF): 5
Missile hovercraft: 2
Landing ship dock (LSD): 1
Landing ship tank (LST):18
Landing ship hovercraft:8
Minesweepers: 56
Fleet oilers (AOR): 15
Surveillance ships: 66
Logistic support: 29
Maritime Guard of the Border Service under Federal Security Service. This performs the role of a coastguard.
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Frigates (FFG): 6 (1 reserve)
Light Frigates (FFL): 12
Offshore Patrol Vessels: 27
Patrol Icebreakers: 6
Patrol boats (PCF): 66
River craft: 22