5% classified. Hmmm Well considering that all of the sensor fusion which is:
The AESA APG-81 and all of its modes.
-Precision Alignment of Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) mode over an existing digital map or over a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) map.
The Precision Direction Finding (PDF) portion of the Electronic Support Measures (ESM) which provides accurate geo-location of an emission
The Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) Which works hand in hand with the PDF...
The Distributed Aperture System (DAS)
The Electro-Optical Tracking System (EOTS) which should be the most known technology as it is based on the advanced SNIPER-XR Pod.
--Air to Air Tracking ( Long range Infrared Search and Track)
--Air to Surface Tracking (video imaging, target search, cue, and image track,
--Laser Ranging measurement, Geo-location generation of coordinates
The helmet which replaces the task of the HUD ( no HUD on JSF ) and has Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) -like operation
Those are just a few of the Buck Rogers things and they have to be tied together to show relevant situational-awareness in the fancy displays and have to be connected on a network. Some of those things are tested in other platforms like F-22 and F-18 Super Hornet, however a lot of it is not and all of that in it's Block III avionics package has to work. So even whole chunks of the classified capabilities are only estimates because a complete Block III avionics jet isn't tested yet.
What is most likely classified are:
-Aircraft Raw Performance
-The estimates of all of that sensor fusion tied together
-Stealth profile, where this aircraft has less stealth ability than an F-22. One lacking any other present information has to consider it a moderately capable "bow tie" non-all-aspect stealth profile or worst case a "pacman" stealth profile, vs. the F-22's more capable "bow-tie" profile that is all aspect stealth. (See: "The Radar Game", in my Stealth post in the tech section of this forum. )
So 5% classified isn't bad. That is a lot of sensor capability and total aircraft capability to estimate. And again it is affordable stealth. And the whole platform has a way to go before it is completely tested to a Block III avionics standard. It is my belief that the lessor stealth ability of the aircraft is not an issue when you consider that RAAF will have all three of the "J" weapons: JDAM, JASSM, JSOW. Where you may even someday opt for the powered JSOW now in testing. JDAM and JSOW will be internal carry. Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) in it's current fixed target ability version and it's future moving target ability (SDB) should be available by the time of delivery.
Anti-ship ability could be addressed by:
-The J weapons including software mods to JASSM
-Where a sensorless datalinked JDAM to hit moving targets has already been tested with JSTARS E-8 (test produced hits), and is being worked on with Super Hornet datalinking the GMTI radar mode info to a datalinked JDAM kit.
-This item also holds promise for JSF anti-ship capability and is being proposed for internal carry and I believe Australia is considering contributing funding for it:
My worry is not the JSF technology working as the program seems to be really well run and where some of the technology already mentioned in the jet: The new tech engines, some of the sensor avionics and a few other things are already being worked out in F-22 and Super Hornet. My real worry is what the 2009, 2010, 2011 etc U.S. budgets look like. Any more slow down on JSF production and we are in some serious trouble where the "broken-rifle-all-defence-procurement-is-screwed-up", crowd will have a field day with the rising program costs due to mandated slow downs in U.S. budgets. Which are not the fault of the program itself.
If you haven't already, I highly recommend the following PDF file that goes into the unclas version of the JSF program progress dated September 2006.
Very good reading:
Go to the following link:
Then on that page select this product(PDF file):
AFA Conf - JSF Program Brief - 26 Sept 06.ppt
Adobe Acrobat file (5.88 MB) - AFA Conf - JSF Program Brief - 26 Sept 06.PDF
All of this is just my opinion and nothing more.