Big-E said:
How do you know what she can do? Just b/c we look at photos doesn't mean we can accurately predict her capabilities. We have yet to go inside her CIC and don't know the software of the system. At this point these statements are just premature.
You've lost me a bit, what bit of my response are you talking about? If its the PLAN, then I'm basing comments based around various people sources I deal with. If its re the Singaporeans and/or the Israelis, then we do have some solid discussion on it.
In fact we do know that for approx 6 months the PLAN was filling those array panels with concrete - just like the early russian derivatives of PAR when they were trying to sort them out.
Senior people within the PLAN have also been at pains to point out that "its like Aegis".
The grandaddy of Aegis was circa 1965 on a deployed vessel - so its not as if other countries haven't had time to try and come up with a derivative of their own.
I'm also basing my opininion on the fact that very recently I worked in an area that dealt with milspec cabling for testing - and we know the quality of PLAN interconnects and cables, Just on issues of reflection they were appalling. If you used those harnesses for a sophisticated C4I system then the results would be all over the shop.