Good for you! What are you going to do invade Australia cause we regained the Ashes

The British and the French could all send task forces down our way, but they couldn't sustain them for an extended period. Only the US has the capability to project power into all of the world's oceans.
For my mind with the AWDs and the SPS (hopefully) the RAN will be well placed to further its capability advantage in our immediate region. Only Japan, South Korea (possibly) and China (if in the vicinity of Taiwan and their coastline) will have the capability to match the RAN.
One thing to note, the ADF's budget is on the up, the FedGov has commited to continuing to match inflation and with the various additional programs actual budget levels are rising to 1.9% GDP. They are talking about a A$30 billion dollar budget by the start of the next decade. This is sufficient to fund the exisiting programs including upto 100 F-35s. Will that purchase include VTOL that is the question.