Whiskyjack said:
If it were to happen, the RAN would have to decide what the role would be, e.g. more of a USMC style, where the F-35s are providing CAS or following the Europeans where the F-35s will also be providing CAPs.
Both decisions will have an impact on the force mix of any embarked troops. AEW may well be provided by UAVs in the next decade.
I would not be surprised if such UAVs were carries by DDGs to increase the warning of attack and make them less dependant from carriers in certain situations.
I think it's a deadset certainty that VTOL UAV's will be operated from the RAN's AWD's. Perhaps not immediately, but if they weren't in-service by 2015-2017 I'd be amazed.
As to the F-35B's, I think they'd mainly be used for combat air patrols and maritime strike, in a high threat environment. In a lower air threat environment they could be used for strike or CAS missions, but it's widely acknowledged that it's lack of anti-air capability is RAN's greatest weakness, given the well known limitations of surface based radar systems.
Given the limited numbers that could be carried (probably little more than 12 per vessel even IF the amphib capability were sacrificed for the fixed wing air element) I doubt ADF could afford to divert it's limited numbers of aircraft for CAS duties, particularly when there are other ways for RAN to provide fire support for ground forces (NGS, a "loitering missile capability" such as NLOS-LS, if it were to be acquired, or the Tiger ARH's that will be deployed from the LPD's).
The idea that RAN can be completely covered from the air by the RAAF is nonsensical, unless the RAAF were capable of deploying assets to sea WITH the RAN and in the current context this can really only mean the F-35B.
An AWAC capability at sea would truly round out ADF's power projection capability, but I can't see it happening. I'll be surprised (and delighted) if F-35B's are acquired and operated off the LPD's, I almost don't DARE to hope that a helo-borne AWAC capability be acquired...