After much debate in other forums as to what the formation of RAAF long range strike should be, and what the future of the RAN should be, I thought it might be interesting to throw another option up in the air and raise the question as to whether the RAN should, would or could aquire an aircraft carrier. With two new LHDs to enter service in six or seven years time, and the probable purchase of the JSF with the possibility of some of these airframes being of the F-35B versions, an opportunity exists to capitalise on these aquisitions. Some suggestions have been made that if the F-35B version is purchased, the ability to embark a small number of these (6-10) on the new LHDs would offer RAN an amazing capability to project air power and force over larger distances. But this does raise the problem of both RAAF and Army fighting over limited space on these ships. One possibility or scenario would be to build a carrier that is entirely dedicated to an aircraft carrier capability, housing an entire squadron of F-35B, AWAC helos and additional supporting helos. With a design on two new LHDs to be selected in the not too distant future, would it be feasible to build a third of these platforms without the need to transport troops and their equipment, with a smaller well-dock to deliver UUV, USV manned SV etc, but fitted out entirely for JSF operations? At a cost of approx. $1B each for the LHDs, would it be incorrect to assume that it should cost around the same amount for a carrier? We are about to spend $2B on new C-17 aircraft, this would have bought us two carriers.