I wasn’t sure where to put this so I figure here was best. Let’s say China gets the US base in Ecuador in 2009 and quickly makes a FC-1 sale to Ecuador. How would the Colombia’s upgraded Kfir C-10 armed with Python IV maybe V, and Derby + DASH HMS, match up against the newer FC-1? Just looking for rough opinions I understand FC-1/JF-17 isn’t completely finished. I think the newer aircraft has it's design advantages.
Well as AD stated the individual platform actually doesnt have that much to do with who wins the fight, its the agregate capability of your air combat system that matters. But in terms of which one brings more to the user and would perform better, well thats an interesting question.
In simple terms the biggest difference i can see between them, without knowing the bits and bobs of their respective radar capability, is their missiles. Basically Kfir holds the WVR advantage and JF-17 holds the long range BVR capability.
The SD-10 equiping the JF-17 is basically a chinese built R-77 with diferent airodynamics. The major advantage this missile enjoys over its competitor on the Kfir, the Derby is (apart from the larger motor and range) the fact that it has a datalink. This is important becasue it allows the missile to compensate for the target maneuvering. Within the 40k mark this isnt so improtant because the low flight time means the target probably isnt going to be far from its projected point when the missile was fired. However beyonde that range the Derby is going to have a hard timewith its probability of a kill because chnaces are the target is going to be either at the outer edge or outside of the missiles engagement basket. SD-10 on the other hand can be directed from the JF-17's radar up untill the missile starts pinging. Now alot of combat takes place in the <50km range bracket, so this may not matter so much, but it allows the JF-17 user to utilise a set of long range tactics that will be hard to counter.
WVR again is a different story. The HMCS and Python 4/5 combination is much more capable system than the PL9 which is basically a liscence built Python 3 so its a generation behind (even if the JF-17 is equiped with AIM 9L/M it will be the same story). The Python 4/5 is HOBS capable, so the Kfir pilot can fire over his sholder, not to mention tha generational improvements to seeker and airodynamic performance.
Therefore it would really come down to who could apply the tactics that best suite their strengths. Both aircraft are very capable for the price and are perfect for most of the south american market.