There are many people out there who point out that insurgencies are seen as relatively impossible to beat these days.
Maybe it was what I said earlier?:
"Time and again, they have been proven near impossible to eradicate
by military means alone."
If the conqueror is determined to hold on what he conquered and has the resources and will to go after an insurgency even if it is for decades he will win in the end be it because the guerillas/the population lost the will to go on or because there is no one left to resist.
Any examples?
Most examples of invasion followed by occupation I can think of in the last few decades are/were met with determined insurgencies. And time and again, it is shown that the local resistance usually has more lasting power than most invaders.
Even in current Iraq and Afghanistan where the occupying foreign armies are not 100% unwelcome, resistance was/is still very fierce.
I can't think of many good examples of low resistance to foreign enemy occupation.
I can think of Tibet. Any more?
What they often fail to show is that neither of these insurgencies has been able stop a determined foe of entering their territory and are not able to stop him from acting as he wants albeit he takes some losses.
That's not the role of insurgents or guerillas. The Vietnamese resistance from French to US occupation, operated by day as farmers and insurgents by night. They are not 24hrs in military mode.
And because you use conventional standards to measure insurgency success/failure, you keep coming up with the result that most insurgencies are NOT successful.
The Vietnamese insurgents probably suffered many times the casualties of the invaders and regular armies. But you can't say that they have failed. They won. They won by wearing down the enemy, by tying him down etc... not defeating it in the conventional sense.
Like ants. You can kill many of them. But eventually you move your picnic somewhere else.
But it is also incorrect to say that insurgents has never been able to deny an area to an invading army as there are many examples where they have.
An insurgency is a last resort and often enough causes much more pain for your own country than for the attacker.
Maybe if the invaders are really nice, the civillians may not resist.
But in general, invasions/occupations are resisted.