CIA report: we are not attacking Iran for WMD only


New Member
Old thread but i had to comment.

On the Invasion of Iran, it will never happen. Look at the trouble the US has had with Iraq (and 20+ partners) there is no way the US could do it alone (cost wise i mainly mean) and after all the rubbish about Iraq having WMD's i really doubt many other countries will jump in to help.

Iran is around 3 times the size of Iraq with 5 times the population. While i know its still not world class there military is also quite abit more advanced then Iraq's and they got around the sanctions that Iraq had on them. Also in Iraq the Shia have largely (not completely i know) stayed out of the fighting against Coaltions troops. If Iran is attacked that will change very quickly and attacks in Iraq would be stepped up. There is also the chance that Hezbollah could attacking Israeli positions in Israel or Lebanon.

Ive seen some Americans saying limited bombing/missile strikes could happen but that will just end up with Iran launching hundreds or even thousands back against US bases in Iraq or Afghanistan and against Israel. While i know there reliablity is iffy 100 missiles fired at a base is going to make a major mess even if half miss.

Can anyone explain what the problem with them is anyway? There is no proof of WMD's which is the US's main complaint. I realize they fund some terrorist/insurgent activites but so does the US. And yes they have a bad Human rights record but so do many US allies like Saudi Arabia.

As far as i can see it all comes back to money again. Back when all this started Iran, Iraq and Venezuela where all changing to the Euro for trading oil and all where put on America's "naughty list". So they invade Iraq and instead of securing Military bases (so tonnes of weapons end up in terrorist hands) or Historical museums (ancient artifacts stolen or even burned) they protected the oil facilities. Then one of the first things done by the CPA was to change Iraq back to trading in US Dollars.
Some of you will say "oh but Oil prices went up not down so that proves that wasnt the reason" but you forget increased oil prices means countries wanting to buy oil need even more US dollars, and also that you have plenty of Oil in the US most of it owned by people connected to the US govt.