Why was my post deleted? :? Misunderstanding or no, adsh made an intentional attack on the Singaporeans in this board in his reply, and that is inexcusable. He should be punished, or at the very least his post should be deleted.
Now that's news to me. Russian Igla's in SADA but then again, it could be for research purpose. Is there any information to confirm this? Wonder how the Igla's compare with the Mistral in performance.
This is an unconfirmed rumour, nothing else but. Next time you are passing AMQ camp you can keep an eye out. They have been spotted there.
Iglas are not for research any longer, they're here to stay.

As a matter of fact, we manufacture it in SG under license, and so does Malaysia.
Not really much difference between the Igla and Mistral, both use passive IR... in terms of max ceiling, the Igla wins... but the Mistral carries a larger warhead
Igla Specifications
weight 11kg
warhead 1-1.2kg HE chemical energy fragmentation
length 1.7m
diameter 7.2cm
speed mach 2+
max range/max altitude 4,500 - 5,200m / 3500 m
sensors/fire controls passive IR
designer Kolomna KB
Mistral Specifications
Missile weight 18.7 kg
Missile Length 186 cm
Missile diameter 90 mm
Fin span 18 cm
Warhead 3 kg high explosive with tungsten ball projectiles
Fuses Contact fuse and laser proximity fuse
Guidance Infrared passive homing
Propulsion Solid rocket booster
Speed Mach 2.5
Range 500 m to 6 km
Altitude 3000m