Look at the track, roadwheels and turret a little more closely. Another give away is the bore evacuator placement on the maingun.
I see. This is why you're a defense professional.

Anyways do we know for sure the tank is Russian and whether the tank is a T-72 or not? I didn't know K5 was retro-fitted to T-72's. I thought they used K3.
Doesn't sound like a lot of national cadres. More like a motley crew of Russian army and FSB people.
That's because, surprise surprise, Ossetia isn't much of a real nationality. Any of those Russian's could be Ossetian by blood or relation. Not to mention that Ossetia is a tiny region that broke away with the help of Russian forces (unofficial help) in the early 90's. It's no surprise Russian commanders are running the show.
And another news update. Abkhazian forces have blocked the Kodori Gorge along side Russian units and are demanding that the Georgian forces put down their arms. A corridor is to be provided for the evacuation of those forces and any civilians who want to leave as Abkhazia re-establishes control over the region. Photos from newsru.com
And one from lenta.ru which reported the same story.
Also 3 more Russian peacekeepers died and 18 were wounded from Georgian artillery fire. Sporadic artillery and mortar fire is still hitting Ts'hivali. Small groups of Georgian forces are still in the conflict zone, while the bulk of the forces has left. More importantly there was another airstrike by the Georgian air force, which resulted in no casualties. The question is how many aircraft Georgia has left? Yesterday my estimate would have been no more then 2-3, possibly none, but apparently they're still active.
lenta.ru reports that more then 50 aircraft are being used for air strikes in Georgia. Why so few? The Caucasian MD alone has 3 Frogfoot and 2 Fencer regiments and apparently a regiment of Backfire's has been redeployed there also. This is in addition to the regiment of Su-27 and two regiments o MiG-29's which can technically also be used for air strikes.
Finally there are allegations that Ukraine supplied S-200 systems to the Georgians.
Here are some photos from rian.ru
The destroyed tanks in the last shot are allegedly Georgian.