Canadian defense budget expected to rise to $20 billion.

Grand Danois

Pertaining to Santa's Shack:

I think Santa moved, when the indiginious population of Greenland ate Santa's reindeer - about the best dish in the Greenlandic cuisine; but it impared Santa's mobility.
I don't agree with the Greenlandic cuisine. The preservation and wildlife taste gives the food way to much character for my taste.

Grand Danois

Grand Danois: This is Your turf, so I have a couple of questions:

1. If it is seeping out of the rock, why hasn't it been exploited?
2. If the prospect were low where they drilled, why didn't they drill where the probability was high?
1. Surveying must be comprehensive.

2. Environmental factors like sea ice vs technology.

3. World market price of oil determines what is commercially viable to extract.
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Banned Member
Always expect the unexpected from the Royal Danish Navy: Dogsleigh cavalry fills very little in other navies manuals.


Banned Member
Grand Danois:

I tend to agree with You on this one: I've had a whale steak that tasted of fish (didn't prepare it properly) - and I definate draw the line well before rotten seal gut.
Whaleskin taste like eraser rubber.

There are wonderfull exception though: Flunder rosted with sprinkle of lemon beats salmon in my view.
And I've had some wonderfull honeymarinaded birdsbreast.
And lamb with homemade cucumber salad.

Sorry I got stated on off topic!


Banned Member
Why is it that all discussion (no matter what subject) between Australians end up with beer and sports, and Danes end up exchanging recipies??????


Banned Member
Robsta: Unfortunately the management of this board takes a dim view of highresolution double ended cleavage exhibition, display of profanity repertoire. So we'll have to stay in line.

Grand Danois

Does whale taste like fish?
No it doesn't. Depending on how it is prepared it can taste like beef or like sh...

It does have a more rough texture.

The Faeroese conserve the blubber by salting it. Tastes ok, but I'm not a fan of eating it entirely raw.


Banned Member
I does - if is a poor cut, and not prepared properly. Some of the fatty fish oils find their way into whale tissue - especially in species that have a high fish contents in their diet.

The way to avoid it is to leeching it in milk for a day or two - same way you do it to make shark tasty - sharks is due to the high ammonia contents they have in tissue to keep osmotic pressure up - which they need as they have very rudimentary kidneys.


Banned Member
Whale burger? That would need a very,very large bun. But I've seen the accompanying lorry with coca-cola.