...what Canada really needs is a defence policy that give's our military a defined mission..."
Slapshot, I think we have defined missions...I just think you may not agree with some of our defined missions. If you are implying that the Cf should have only one defined mission I disagree 100%. Flexibility is the name of the game.
"We have had goverment after goverment that has given our troops the very short end of the stick when it comes to money and support."
No argument from me on that point.
"All this talk about LPH'S and LHD's is a nice thought but impractical as the Canadian Armed Forces do not have the capibility to make these types of ships effective."
Cant say I agree. Canada's most frequent missions are expeditionary in nature and LPD's could only help with these missions.
"Canada and Canadians needs to get its act together and give our armed forces ...then give them the money and equipment to do it. "
Agreed 100%
, not just LPH's but new AFV, Aircraft ( both airlift and fighter ), increase troop strength and also money for logistical support which is the weakest link in the Canadian Armed forces today.
Again we agree, but I try to leave discussion of troops and aircraft to the appropriate sections of the discussion board.