The current budget for the defence is just a disgrace. Already the term leaner and more agile is a tell tale sign. How much leaner can we get our infantry battalions are each under strength by a coy, they have no weapons details now, no mortars or anti-tank. Our navy lacks crews for a third of its ships. While the air force lacks air crews and maintenance personal by 20 to 40 percent depending on the occupation. Our troops don't even have adequate boots after 10 odd years of bs. There is no ammo to train, no nvg, no explosives, and outside trade qualification courses hardly anything.
They still have not brought back life time pension for those who already suffered so much. Even though they said they would

. Instead of increasing the naval building budget they differed 8 billion in capital to 2035

I know the liberal party of Canada had always seen defence spending politely said "optional" but this is ridiculous. It just sad really.