In response to the evidence I used to substantiate my previous theory that
the British army was engaging in ad hoc battalion level agent handling I've come accross information that refutes that assertion.The officers in quiestion were in fact from the sas and were captured while being involved in a well thought out operation the details are available at the following web site adress:
In light of this information it would appear that the sas is still being called on to preform covert survailance at least until this new reconaisance regiment comes online.Other puplications I've read mentions that even in "peace time"
the sas averages three deaths a year this figure inconjunction with some of the comments made by Eric Haney author of "Inside The Delta Force"(a nearly identical organization)specifically he mentions that they had taken alot
of loses due to injuries and deaths and that it had taken years to fully man all of the squadrons .In light of these above findings,adding a new squadron is nothing to be taken lightly.In reading about verious special operations in the past specifically effictive counters to SR and direct action
groups, John L. Plaster in his books on the MACV/SOG operations,make particular mention of the NVA's
counter recon companies who's purpose was to eliminate us special operation teams. the reader is lead to the conclusion that an effective counter to SF teams is tracking combined with solid infantry tactics.As the counter recon group is more formiliar with the territory they would have that as well as numbers on there side. in this synapsis what would swing the advantage in favor of the SF team would be as the aggresors they would have the initiative provided there planning was solid with the worst case scenario being that in the event of compromise an imediate action drill would only engage part of the enemy formation giving them a chance to break contact and escape.Tying this line of thought back into the topic the new sas squodron would have to have people who could execute an effective IAD but more importantly adapt to a changing situation.Planning could potentialy be the most decisive aspect of any much can be trained and how much has to be recruited?