Huh? What pray tell has FRES actually produced? Damned if I know and damned if anyone in the UK knows!
They put a so-called Systems house in charge of the process who have NEVER dealt with vehicles before, never mind armoured vehicles of any kind. They were/are a Civils and Oil&Gas/Services Engineering & Consultancy house.
ONE, but only one of the reasons we have the current cluster.
The second reason, but not the last, is the lack of direction given by MoD. The whole process has wandered all over the place......repeatedly! Exactly the same problem has occured with FCS.
WHY it took years, many millions and some light bulb going off in their collective craniums to work out that the C-130 basis was/is crap is beyond most sane people.
The decisions that have been made in the last 2-3 years with regards to Bulldog, Vector and Mastiff have zip, nada, nichts, to do with FRES.
They are reactive acquisitions based on events in the Middle East etc. As such they are almost entirely Urgent Operational Requirements procurements.
Its taken how many years to go for the current FRES Utility vehicle contest based on BOxer, Nexter's VBCI and LAV IV/V?
Gee it must have been difficult working that lot as candidates, NOT! The fact it could have been done with the same vehicles 3 years ago seems some how to have been ignored.
And do you really think FCS is going to be anywhere near 20 tons? Try 30-35 tons, possibly more for some vehicles................this is certainly in the weight region the USMC estimated was required and history has shown their guess was better than the Army's.