Fair enough mate! Look I dont think anyones actually talking for real about bringing back the Iowa's, or even building a vessel of a simillar size.Big-E said:I hate all of you for bringing up a BB thread... let em R.I.P.! The day of the BB was over in 1941. They were only left in service so long b/c of the expense it took to build them and their practicallity of naval bombardment. Reagans decision to rearm in response to Kirov BCs was a waste IMO of funds. The cost to maintain these huge ships is ridiculous. In these times of reduced manpower the BB eats up this to the max, accept a Nimitz but thats outta the ballpark in firepower. There is no way your going to get a 16' shell to go 80-100nm. Putting rocket assistance on these shells would make them ICBMs :lol3. I noticed the armor argument... do you think she can stop the penetration of torpedoes exploding under the keel? Do you think she can withstand many hits of 750kg shipwreck missiles? If we put these monsters to sea the enemy will just make bigger warheads to get whatever armor we put on them. The future of surface warfare is not bigger guns, heavier missiles and thicker armor... It's EM-Railguns,(which will never be strong enough for BB reqs) ABM lasers and stealth... all of which big gun ships cannot fill.
While I don't have the expertise to do a really complete "funded price calculation" for building a "new" version of the Iowa class BB (the original cost of which was, as I recall, in the hundreds of millions, or more, in 1940s money), I would be willing to take a SWAG ("Scientifically-based Wild A__ Guess") that the hull alone (should we even have the technological capability of building one!) would cost somewhere near a trillion dollars. No, the point is that I agree: the days of the Iowa class BB are, quite effectively, over.Waylander said:@abramsteve
No problem.
I would really like to see a funded price calculation if somebody wants to build those monsters again.
True wouldn't discount further cuts or well I hope its past the program cancellation stage ie continued production of AB's until the CGX program is revealed.Sea Toby said:#However, the Senate did pass in the 07 budget the lead ship. We won't know until later this fall whether the House agrees.
Does anyone disagree the DDG 1000 will have similar capabilities to the BB?, in weaponry? Obiviously the shock and awe of a 1 tonne shell x9 could be hard to replace, however surely a salvo of TACTom's would have a rather similar effect?abramsteve said:I do think that what we should disscuss here is what we would class as a modern BB.
A cautionary note here. The LCS are light alloy hulls in order to get the speed. They have a payload capacity (mission modules) measured in the hundreds of tonnes (about 300 max I understand). Stick a 155mm system, ammunition and the supporting structure on ths ship you are going to eat that payload capacity up removing much of the reaons for having such a design in the first plce.abramsteve said:Im not sure, but I pretty much agree with your last statement about the future of surface warfare, but I still see the value of naval artillery. Can you see the value of a 2-3000tonn litoral combat ship armed with even a single 6-8inch gun?
I thought it was 5 inch.Sea Toby said:The US Navy has plans to build several DDG-1000 destroyers of the Elmo Zumwalt class, some 12,000 tons in displacement with two 6-inch guns. The 6-inch guns have recently passed their third tests, shooting a round some 60 miles.
RickUSN can probably give more specific detail. As I understand it the Arsenal Ships even had follow on penant numbers from the Missouris. So, in a literal sense they were a continuation of the BB'sfylr71 said:Perhaps CGX could be the long sought after 21st century battleship. Also I've heard of something called "Arsenal Ship" which looks like it would've been a seabased platform carrying huge amounts of missiles, I believe it was cancelled. I don't know if there was a prototype built or anything gained from the project. It seems like a pretty good idea. Does anyone have any more info on it?