Their's not to reason why,Still too much variables for me which could go wrong. Even when the plan works fine (How often does this happen... ). Might the best you can do with your troops but I would still call it to much risk to attack this town.
The only way to get them out of the town is to raze it. You can't take it by storm, so what can you do.Quote:
Originally Posted by FutureTank
But the orders are to capture the town, not burn it down!
semantics... better to burn a town than waste 5,000 lives in a futile assualt
wow how american i like it, screw the hearts and minds!
sometimes that can cause as many problems as it creates, while its burning it will be as hard for you to take it as it will be for the defenders to hold it, if there dug in the fire probley wont cause em to many difficulties anyway.The only way to get them out of the town is to raze it. You can't take it by storm, so what can you do.
Its 2ft tall grass. This means a 1 mile crawl at night a according to your plan!use the long grass as cover, !
There is no edge in the briefing! The field stops at the trench line customarily covered by barbed wire and maybe mines.infiltrate to the edge of the long grass during the night !
You don't know hwere the barn is in the field. It may not be in range of the German trenches. That is why you will not find the barn in my solution.Set up your machine guns around the barn. !
Refer to above suggestion on location of own machine guns relative to German positionsUse your machine guns on the forward machine guns and trenches, !
On what frontage? Basic tactics require concentration of soon as the enemy has been forced to put his head down charge the first line of defence, !
Where did you see mention of a second line of defence?without waiting hit the second line of defence.!
With two 30 year old cannon?! What about close support of infantry in the attack?Use your arti in a counter battery role, !
Unlikely since in trench warfare all trench lines were pre-registered to allow own artillery to fire within a dozen yards of the positions.hopefully your own troops will be too close to the enemy for him to use his own arty on your infantry.!
But you have the 4000 Allied troops attacking on the whole front from river to woods! That is at least a mile. Allowing for the 2 up 1 reserve formation, that is 2600 troops with a density of 1.4 per yard, which is almost Napoleonic!In close in fighting numbers might tell.(might) !
Hmm...where were the orders to blow up the bridge? It may be required in later Allied advance!At the sametime (during the nighttime use the river bank as cover to move a couple of squads in a commando role (volenteers) to blow the bridge and creat a demonstration in the rear.
It will also alert all the German troopsThe blowing of the bridge (or fire fight if discovered) shall be the signal of the general attack. !
Have you ever considered the difficulty of coordinating nigh attacks during WW1? General Monash had to lend his own watch to a raiding force sergeant because watches were scarce at this time. Given that snipers used to look out for sigarette light, how does one verify the time on the watch while lying in grass all night a few hundred yards from the German trenches? How many men will fall asleep during this advance?If the commando is captured without a fight the attack will go in at a predetermined time.!
Its hard to 'demonstrate' in a forest because it naturally provides cover.Do the same in the forest, again with a small number of volenteers, create a big demonstration to full the enemy.
How?The best option is to try to unnerve the enemy and panic him out of his positions.
Its an asset, so why not use it?Screw the truck
The pilot is not that expereinced. In any case one plane can't cover a mile of front, and particularly so where defending troops are in a town.The plane shall circle above dropping granades and machine gunning any of the enemy who move to rienforce the front line!
The highest asseptable loss rate in planning is 33%, so if you expect higher the plan would never be approved.I expect at lest 50% losses. !
nonsencicle?The situation is nonsencicle, out gunned by an alert enemy in an entreched position. Even with the best of luck its going to heavy going. Huzzah!
I didn't 'nit pick' your plan. I just tried to make a point that your plan did not adhere to orders, and had some quite unrealistic parts to they dont have night vision you dont have to drawl all the way.
theres a level field with the barn in the middle before the town.(after the long grass)
Why would'ent they have a trench line? or a second trench line? it would make sence.
nobody said they had mines.
the boer war would have been about 12 years before.
as for the attack they dont all have to charge at once.
you have to cut the bridge and rail link to prevent resupply.
the commando attack is designed as a distraction to draw reserves away from the front.........
theres 5000 allied troops and 4000 germans dude
could'ent be bothered to go on, just cause no one liked your plan dude, no need to nit pick mine.
But i did like the idea of blowing smoke in the enemys eyes using one airplane
engine, smoke rises
What if there all from the city
what if the germans are already holding the woods in force.
the germans would know an attack is in the post for days before hand. there not going to hang about, they invented the idea of active defence, they would be in the woods before you.
the idea of my attack is to go in as soon as possible, suprise. Considering the force levels this is the best option (or dont attack at all!)
yeah Cheers
The leading killers in WWI were, famine, Maxim type machine guns, and of course Chuck Norris.Or you could just send in Chuck Norris!!!
He could take 4000 Germans no problem and I'm pretty sure he was alive during WW1... nfloorl:
Probably no point responding to threads like this mate, considering the last post was from almost three years ago - I'm sure the guy's paper is long overdueForget about it. The odds aren't with you.
I, as a commander of an airsoft unit will only do an operation when the odds are with me.
3:1 is the minimal accepted.
Therefore, if the odds are with you, and you have a good plan, you have a high chance of success.
Divide and conquer.Divide into 6 1000 man groups and assualt from all sides.Sorry I typed up a detailed plan but the computer decided to refresh the page and it was lost.Just use foward ranks to open fire while rear ranks advance,but 2000 men stationed at the river to capture the bridge,then 2000 men to fight in the open field with the support of the guns and 2000 men hiding in th forest who then push foward,divert german troop strength then use some of these men to entice the centre of the german defences.Make sure to garrison the Barn and use as a foward base while the truck is used to ferry supplies and the wounded/dead.hey guys one of my friends has to work this out for a world history paper and i thought there may be someone here that has a better idea than i do.
, i have orders to destroy the germans in a WWI battle and i have to do it in two weeks (in the simulator) because the germans are getting fresh troops and supplies. my orders are to take the town. The germans have, a rail road and a bridge. i have 5000 men, with everything a soldier has gun ammo knife all that stuff, and the germans have 4000 men. but i only have two civil war cannons (that shoot one round a minute)and the germans have a "big gun" (shoots 6 shot per minute) and a civil war cannon. i also have a plane and a flat bed truck, but i have no pilot for the plane and only about 2 people know how to drive the truck. so heres the field. to the front is a mile long field of tall grass about 1 to 2 feet high, to my left i have a dense pine forest and after that hills that get very hillier as u go, then to my right, i have a 60 foot wide river thats 6 to 8 feet deep. and then theres an abandoned barn in the field.
what do i do?