Out of curiousity, was that cratering accomplished via standard bombs or delayed-blast penetrating munitions like Durandal and whatever the follow-on to that was? As I understood it, with a penetrating munition, it would cause greater disruption to the tarmac and runway surface, without necessarily causing a larger physical crater. Therefor any repair crews would have more work to re-surface the runways, etc.Abe probably has some stats stuck somehere in the encyclopaedia that doubles up as his brain, but I was pretty sure that there are some interesting stats on how quickly runways and airfields have been made combat ready within 24hrs of sequential cratering...
OTOH other areas of infrastructure in and around an airbase might be better targets. Like a penetrating/incendary strike on the airbase's tank farm. Depending on the layout, rate of flow, etc. it could be possible to start a fuel fire that can burn on its own for a week. Something like that would definately put a crimp into base operations, nevermind the problems such a fire would cause refueling vehicles and aircraft.