I bought every issue of Aussie Defender from its first in the early 90s until several years ago when I could no longer stomach the delusional rantings in the editorials while the standard of the writing deteriorated as well.
A great shame as I used to love it but now the disconnect between what they say and what I know to be true in my professional fields, means I no longer trust them on topics I don't know about.
Yep, his weird rantings masquerading as an ‘editorial’ put me off. On one hand ‘bagging the brass’ for all his perceived ills in the world and the next, moaning about his sudden lack of access to ADF activities.?
Doesn’t strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed...
But my personal favourite is his habit of adding his own little ‘cool’ sounding designations to things, perhaps with a nudge, nudge, wink, wink - look at me with the real goss, attitude thrown in for good measure.
The “MH-60R Romeo Strikehawk” is his current one, but there have been plenty of others.
Lockheed Martin - MH-60R Seahawk.
The world’s most advanced maritime helicopter is built and sustained for multi-mission maritime dominance.
US Navy - MH-60R Seahawk.
As the Navy's next generation submarine hunter and anti-surface warfare helicopter, the MH-60R Seahawk is the cornerstone of the Navy's Helicopter Concept of Operations.
RAN - MH-60R Seahawk.
Royal Australian Navy
John Hunter Farrell - no, no. It’s REALLY called the Strikehawk…
It’s the Gavin of naval aviation!
A quick wander over to his website shows his two latest ‘scoops’ being first of class trials for “Strikehawk” on Choules and something about Army focussing on ‘warfighting’… Gosh darn it, where DOES he get such wonderful info? Must be ‘truly’ connected… (to the internet).
Army ‘warfighting’ and operating dispersed artillery capabilities…
Apparently people actually pay him for this…