Does anybody have a link to what plan the nuts and bolts of Plan Berseba is?.
Is the 5th and 7 battalion going to loose most of their APC's?. Like wise is 2 Cav and 2/14 LHR going to be disbanded and integrated into the battalions?. Finally I thought we only had 2 SQD of M1's....So how do we fit that into three brigades?.
Sorry if these are simplistic questions (Navy Boy...Grease monkey at that
). But I would think it is quite a difficult evolution to split 1 Mech, 1 Motorised, and a Light infantry Brigades into three homogenous Brigades?
Everything you ever wanted to know about 1 Armd Regiment (as it currently stands) and more:
Structure and Equipment - 1st Armoured Regiment - Forces Command
Under Beersheba, all the battalions will have their armour taken away from them and given to the Armoured Cavalry Units to be set up. With this plan, Infantry can get back to doing what they do well (digging holes, humping with large packs, looking down upon every other Corps etc...
) and Armour can do what they do best...
Effectively this means 2 Cav Regt, 2/14 LHR and what is now B Sqn 3/4 Cav Regt (probably expanded to 3x operational or Sabre Squadrons just like the other Cav units in future years) will operate all of Army's main armoured capability (Abrams, ASLAV and M113AS3/4). All other units are likely to operate only Bushmasters and up-armoured G Wagens / JLTV types.
Effectively all Army's regular infantry battalions will be identically structured and equipped, with the exception of 2RAR which will be the designated "Amphibious" battalion and will no doubt have a structure designed to support that role, given the "raise, train, sustain" mantra Army uses.
Mind you all of this is meant to occur by 2032, so I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for all this to occur. Consider how many re-org's Army has attempted over the last 21 years and you'll see why most aren't too excited about this plan...