Aurora Real or Not?


Banned Member
Agreed. Although I'm sceptical about a lot of the "evidence" that has been banded around concerning Aurora, I have no doubt at all that the USAF does indeed have a Hypersonic Reccon/Strike platform available as well as a few other black-project aircraft ('TR-2', Stealth-VTOL Special Forces Tranpsorts etc).

Bill Sweetman's article in Popular Science made a very good case.


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The retirement of the SR-71 was pretty straightforward and quick. My AFROTC detachment commander was the officer in charge of the draw down of the SR-71 force at Beale A.F.B. She said it was pretty straightforward, though she was disappointed to be part of the retirement of such an historical aircraft. She found it to puzzling to be retiring the SR-71 instead of the U-2's.