Mate, glad you didn’t get defensive/triggered, nothing personal, ok?
Over the years I’ve known, and liked, plenty of Canucks here in Oz, in fact one was my Daughter’s Ice Hockey coach 20ish years ago.
Yes I know ‘shock horror!’ Oz isn’t the 99% desert and 1% green with all of us clinging to the edges of the continent that most outside of Oz wrongly believe.
We do have reasonable amounts of snow in winter, in the Alpine regions, and all year round ice rinks too!
Unfortunately Canuck politics is the problem, no bipartisan approach to Defence, plus of course you have your big powerful southern neighbour to look to for your defence (very much like our Kiwi cousins across the ditch, here in Oz we like our cousins across the ditch, personally I much prefer Kiwi women who I’ve had a lot of fun with, but Kiwi Governments don’t really take Defence as serious as they should either).
Anyway, I digress....
Did we waste money on the Attack class program? Yes and no is the answer, should we have gone nuclear from the start? Yes but...
The ‘but’ is the politics of going nuclear wasn’t in place at the time.
In general terms the ‘Left’ of politics in Oz is very anti-nuclear, and the ‘Right’ of politics is generally more pro nuclear.
As you can see by the opinion polls in the above link, 2/3rds of Left voters are anti nuclear (the far Left is even stronger anti), and it’s pretty much the opposite of Right voters.
AUKUS only happened because the Government of the day was the LNP Right that pushed the button to dump the French and create the AUKUS agreement.
In effect the ALP Left opposition was wedged by the LNP Right government, one only has to watch the various interviews with the ALP opposition at the time of the announcement 18mths or so ago, their body language wasn’t comfortable, but they went along with the LNP government decision, it kept the bipartisan approach to defence solid.
Since then we’ve swapped out a Right LNP Government for a Left ALP Government, and they were there for the recent announcement,
Bipartisan defence, started by the Right, followed through by the Left.
Future changes of Government should see AUKUS continue and succeed too.