Sorry for the basic question but how many basic Su-27s out of the 400+ Russia's AF has are fully operational and combat ready. After reading about Russia's Mig-29s it made me wonder less two regiments were upgraded right?
I'm not trying to start a Russia vs. China thing but was wondering how many Su-27/30, J-8, J-10, does China have near Russia's border?
If the Russian public is just finding out about the Mig-29s maybe there are some Su-27 issues as well going on.
Looking at this from from different sides like how the USAF used the F-15s poor showing in India to drum up support for the F-22 could Russia's AF be doing the same thing for it's Su-35 program?
I'm not trying to start a Russia vs. China thing but was wondering how many Su-27/30, J-8, J-10, does China have near Russia's border?
If the Russian public is just finding out about the Mig-29s maybe there are some Su-27 issues as well going on.
Looking at this from from different sides like how the USAF used the F-15s poor showing in India to drum up support for the F-22 could Russia's AF be doing the same thing for it's Su-35 program?