If we were to simply drill oil not only off the coast of Florida and in the Northern Alaska regions, not to mention the huge oil reserves Mexico has. America would not have to tango with these 7th century throwbacks in the middle east.
Strongly disagree. Those are reserves in case in whole world is out of oil. US is heavyly dependent on oil whether in military or civilian uses. those remain in the backyard could buy US sometime to prepare for the worst. either oil is dry or US would not be able to lay its hand on foreign oil, those in the backyards are life savers. Anyway, take from others while you can:nutkick
PS: backyard reserves are not enough for US citizen's luxury life style. If US fail to control the world in its grasp, it will lost its super power status. If it lose its super power status, Americans lost their grasp on resources. If Americans lost their grasp on resources, they lost their peaceful happy life style. You want to drive a car to work everyday? that's the price got pay. No insult, but I fail to see why so may people want the US government to pull out man from Iraq. Anyway, they are stuck there, you pull out, you get nothing and it will greatly hurt the US international status as a super power and will win US more disrespect.:shudder People will see US as a coward which means" forget the US threat, we do what we what, after all, all they do is leave a pile of corpse and flee"
That's not good for the US and the rest of the world.
But China(my country
) and Iran and Russia will be more than willing to see US stuck in the Mud. That's why we do not favor bush' s decision in the first place.
Now only one option left, US have to win in the Iraq and mideast.