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Mike Powell, by 'location' we mean that you just put your country name or even city name in if you want but is that your 'complete' address that I'm seeing on the left corner under your name? 
That's not entirely true, if the Pakistan armour unit did not asist the Rangers and Delta would have been dead meat. Malaysian infantry, Pakistan armour vehicles and U.S 10th Mountain all participated in the rescue.wzhtg said:The blackhwak down incident Somalia (Blackhawk Down incident)
I thought Malaysia was the country that went to the US's rescue. Even in the movie itself i could see the Malaysian Flag on the APC. ALso, the US general wrote a letter to Malaysia to thank them for their efforts. The Malaysian troops went in to get the US troops without waiting for permission from the UN as the situation broke no delay
Yup, Pathfinder's right 'Mr. wzhtg'!! Malaysian APCs were there and Pakistani Tanks along with US 10th Mountain (seems like you didnt watch the movie properly which I dont think can give you 'more' obvious info on how much the Pakistanis helped). :smokingc:Pathfinder-X said:That's not entirely true, if the Pakistan armour unit did not asist the Rangers and Delta would have been dead meat. Malaysian infantry, Pakistan armour vehicles and U.S 10th Mountain all participated in the rescue.wzhtg said:The blackhwak down incident Somalia (Blackhawk Down incident)
I thought Malaysia was the country that went to the US's rescue. Even in the movie itself i could see the Malaysian Flag on the APC. ALso, the US general wrote a letter to Malaysia to thank them for their efforts. The Malaysian troops went in to get the US troops without waiting for permission from the UN as the situation broke no delay
Exactly, my thought on this issue is the same, but weve got to remind our selves that its not feasible for Iraq to maintain a Military and a Police, i think the New Army will be the new police. Iaqi police AKA ARMY will have enough trouble to sort out internally. the US can take care of Foreign attacks the US will maintain a strong presence in the Outskirts of cities in essence they will most likely create US Cities for there Forces when they retract and the Iraqi Forces take over. The Iraqi Forces cannot survive with Light armoured vehicles they need heavy turret mounted Vehicles that are durable in comabt and are provide all rounded performance and fire power, its more a of a Syc thing. A show of force to put it out that the Iraqi Armed forces are armed to the teeth. Plus you would have an increased interaction between the Pakistani and the Irai society and there militaries . the Stable well developed Cadre which is British in origin blended with a moderate/Secular culture cannot be adopted from just any Military it takes years to develop and the US would rather have Iraqi Armed forces behave similar to the Pakistani Military establishment, which is pro US.srirangan said:It's silly the country is hardly on its feet and they are investing in tanks whereas they should be building up police and education.
P.A.F said:quoting the exact cost of the tank they do indicate that any tank having capabilities same as Al-Khalid will have a price tag of $17 million per piece. “
Are-they kidding me, that should be 1.5 mill for the 125mm local version, and 1.7 million for the Export variant with German Fire-control and main gunn and engine, western Standard, the Tanks dispatched to Saudi are the more advanced western standard ver with german sub system :eek
An over statement, i don't know what the armour thickness is on this Tank but i would assume theyve overcome some of the problems commonly found with the ERA, the Ukrainians help, But Tanks do get defeated. I would assume this is T-72 based platform based on the T80ud or and improved version.. “No known anti-tank system can defeat Al-Khalid tank till dateâ€.
I think the statement talks about the version of Tank that is yet to come out that Pak will release in 2k7.adsH said:An over statement, i don't know what the armour thickness is on this Tank but i would assume theyve overcome some of the problems commonly found with the ERA, the Ukrainians help, But Tanks do get defeated. I would assume this is T-72 based platform based on the T80ud or and improved version.. “No known anti-tank system can defeat Al-Khalid tank till dateâ€.